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Posted: Mar 15, 2011 11:02 PM
by Sterling
S14 wrote:I am excite!

Where did you score that transmission?
Why is the 540/6 not possible?
Different bellhousing. Same reason the 540/6 trans doesn't bolt to the s38.

Posted: Mar 16, 2011 10:19 PM
by bmw4aaron
Another little update. Got the trans in place and a rough draft of a trans crossmember, definately not the final version. Still haven't made the engine mounts yet. I will have to remove the heater box and carpet to enlarge the trans tunnel, which I had figured I would have to do Anyway. A little more tweaking before I set the engine permanently in place with brackets.

(forgive the quality, I took them with my iPhone as I was too lazy to run back in the house to get the camera.)


Posted: Mar 16, 2011 10:32 PM
by S14
Sterling wrote:
S14 wrote:I am excite!

Where did you score that transmission?
Why is the 540/6 not possible?
Different bellhousing. Same reason the 540/6 trans doesn't bolt to the s38.
ah, right. But the S38B38 one will work correct?

Posted: Mar 16, 2011 10:51 PM
by mooseheadm5
On the V12? No. It fits the M30, though.

Posted: Mar 16, 2011 11:56 PM
by Das_Prachtstrasse
Epic build. Can't wait for more progress, very impressed so far. Still can't get over the size of that 'box!

Posted: Mar 19, 2011 2:13 AM
by Alfonso Bedoya
Hot, Blue and Righteous! This song is dedicated to Arron Bromance! FUCKING AWESOMNESS!

Don't be surprised if you have to do a complete custom firewall, the e30 conversions I've seen, have had to do that. Plus create an entire trans tunnel from front to back. The one I am referring to is the dual turbo'd M70 e30 from Norway, they also had to stiffen up the front suspension quite a bit and also move the engine back quite a bit. But for the e28's engine bay size then again you may not.

Thread to dual turbo M70 e30 build!


Posted: Sep 09, 2011 10:09 PM
by bmw4aaron

Progress has been really really slow. I find myself with no time between an 8mo old , working on the house, etc. I thought I'd post a little update.

The steering rack is in and mounted. It is from a RHD e39. Custom tie rods were made and still working out the details for the dust boots. The e39 boots interfere with the upper control arms when turning full sweep. I am looking into using Z4 boots as they taper to the diameter of the tie rod at the ends.

Moved the entire drivetrain up an inch or so. Had to cut out the transmission tunnel to gain clearance. I replaced it with the e32 trans tunnel. Surprisingly, with little modification everything fits. Have everything in place for mock up, and will have to remove it all to finish welding in tunnel. Driver side will need some slight massaging as the space between the tunnel and brake pedal is tight with my fat foot.


Posted: Sep 09, 2011 10:12 PM
by mooseheadm5
I can't believe that giant-ass tunnel fit. Can't wait to see it again.

Posted: Sep 10, 2011 12:20 AM
by Eta power
Congrats! Now you get TWO M20's!

Seriously, though, nice project. Keep us updated.

Posted: Sep 10, 2011 1:29 AM
by ElGuappo
It's simply epic.

Posted: Sep 10, 2011 1:04 PM
by tsmall07
That's awesome. I'll have to make some time to stop by next time.

Posted: Sep 10, 2011 1:34 PM
by johnnye23
Honestly I was just thinking yesterday of sending you a PM to see how things were coming along. Looks great so far,thanks for the update.

Posted: Sep 10, 2011 2:01 PM
by John SCB
Incredible project ya got there Aaron! Please keep us informed on the progress. That thing will be a friggin' MONSTER!

BTW, your V-8 E28 is now a full-on track car. It remains the most awesome E28 I have ever driven. I understand the current owner may be interested in selling it...he has WAY too many projects going.

Posted: Sep 10, 2011 2:05 PM
by mooseheadm5
John SCB wrote: BTW, your V-8 E28 is now a full-on track car. It remains the most awesome E28 I have ever driven. I understand the current owner may be interested in selling it...he has WAY too many projects going.
He's been trying to sell that car for a couple years now.