Homes in a Box: Modern Homes from Sears
Houses by Mail: A Guide to Houses from Sears, Roebuck and Company
Classic Houses of the Twenties (Loizeaux's Plan Book No. 7)
Small Houses of the Twenties: The Sears, Roebuck 1926 House Catalog
Radford's House Designs of the Twenties
Country and Suburban Houses of the Twenties: With Photographs and Floor Plans
Wardway Homes, Bungalows, and Cottages, 1925
Sears, Roebuck (Kit) Houses Near the W&OD Trail in No. Virginia.
A great old house web site that I recently stumbled across and have joined. May 2009.
Antique Home Style webpage showing house plans from books and kits, 1900 to 1960.