A list of books I bought from Amazon that provide a wealth of
information about the Sears Kit homes of the early 20th century.
Rod Paine, updated January 8, 2010

Homes in a Box: Modern Homes from Sears

Bungalow Colors Exteriors

Sears Modern Homes, 1913

Houses by Mail: A Guide to Houses from Sears, Roebuck and Company

Classic Houses of the Twenties (Loizeaux's Plan Book No. 7)

Small Houses of the Twenties: The Sears, Roebuck 1926 House Catalog

Radford's House Designs of the Twenties

Country and Suburban Houses of the Twenties: With Photographs and Floor Plans

Wardway Homes, Bungalows, and Cottages, 1925

The Houses That Sears Built

Some other websites that also deal with various aspects of the Sears
homes at various locations.

Sears, Roebuck (Kit) Houses Near the W&OD Trail in No. Virginia.

A great old house web site that I recently stumbled across and have joined. May 2009.

Antique Home Style webpage showing house plans from books and kits, 1900 to 1960.

Gordon-Van Tine Homes web site.

A link to the Paine House, our 1927 Sears type bungalow.