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Wanted 1988 M5 E28 Photo Shoot
Posted: Jan 06, 2011 6:21 PM
by Nathan2
I am looking for a 1988 M5 E28 with euro spec bumpers and headlights for a photo shoot. The car must be stock or as close as possible. West coast is prefered, but I will travel for the right car.
If you are interested let me know!!
Thanks Nathan
Posted: Jan 06, 2011 6:44 PM
by Karl Grau
You could attend the 10th annual St. Paddy's Day Meet in San Diego on March 19th. There should be several nice examples there.
If I can get my ass in gear, my car might even have chrome bumpers by then.

Posted: Jan 06, 2011 7:02 PM
by Nathan2
March will be too late. I'm fine with flying down there.
Posted: Jan 06, 2011 7:20 PM
by RoyW
This could be the right car... but, it's a long way from Seattle

Re: Wanted 1988 M5 E28 Photo Shoot
Posted: Jan 06, 2011 8:18 PM
by nnarth212
Nathan2 wrote:I am looking for a 1988 M5 E28 with euro spec bumpers and headlights for a photo shoot....
I'll bite...
Traveling long distance to take photos of an old sports car... is this some sort of luxury treasure hunt?
Will there be flesh and blood models as well?

Posted: Jan 06, 2011 9:40 PM
by cgraff
This is also not on the west coast, but its available anytime until February 1st.
Stock except for brakes (brembos and E34 M5), m tech suspension, and euro bumpers with euro lights and the correct euro rear valance. Black on black (rare one of 30 in the US), and with rear headrests. Now sports Style 42s instead of the style 5s in the picture. Also note the chromeline door bumpers vs the US M5s original shadowline to match the chrome bumpers. Basically take off the US plates and from the outside it looks like a true Euro M5.
30 minutes from Newark airport.
Posted: Jan 07, 2011 1:01 PM
by Nathan2
Charles Gray wrote:You could attend the 10th annual St. Paddy's Day Meet in San Diego on March 19th. There should be several nice examples there.
If I can get my ass in gear, my car might even have chrome bumpers by then.

Are the wheels the cross spoke style just painted black?
Posted: Jan 07, 2011 1:42 PM
by skip535i
Nathan2 wrote:Are the wheels the cross spoke style just painted black?
Still cross spoke and still style 5s, but they are 17" and from an E39 5-Series. Also yes, the centers are black with polished lips.
Posted: Jan 07, 2011 1:43 PM
by skip535i
Also, please tell us about the shoot...what are you doing it for?
Posted: Jan 07, 2011 1:52 PM
by Karl Grau
Actually they're powder coated but yes, they are 17" style 5 basketweaves.
[edit to say "dang Skip, you're quick"]

Posted: Jan 07, 2011 2:13 PM
by Karl Grau
I forgot to mention that there is another San Diego guy that might have what you’re looking for. He goes by “Jeff B” on this board.
These are the only pics I could find of his car:

Re: Wanted 1988 M5 E28 Photo Shoot
Posted: Jan 07, 2011 5:17 PM
by bojangles
Nathan2 wrote:1988 M5 E28 with euro spec bumpers and headlights .....
The car must be stock or as close as possible.
kinda mutually exclusive requests...

Posted: Jan 07, 2011 5:44 PM
by oldskool
Wow nice selection of M5s. However, I would like a little more info on what the photo shoot is all about. I mean, is this for the cover of "Satanic Ritual Monthly" and will there be a bloody goat head perched atop my hood? Maybe a band album cover with a bunch of those skinny-jean wearing flamers all posing seductivly around my vintage German hot-rod? Am I being compensated(beer, . . .models. . .some blood stained high heels maybe)?
Posted: Jan 07, 2011 5:46 PM
by mooseheadm5
Charles Gray wrote:You could attend the 10th annual St. Paddy's Day Meet in San Diego on March 19th. There should be several nice examples there.
If I can get my ass in gear, my car might even have chrome bumpers by then.
How much for your painted ones? I have a set of unpainted brand new shadowline bumpers, but it'd be easier for me to buy them ready to go and sell mine.
Posted: Jan 07, 2011 8:21 PM
by Karl Grau
oldskool wrote: I mean, is this for the cover of "Satanic Ritual Monthly"
Satanic Ritual Monthly would be okay but I'd draw the line at NAMBLA's quarterly newsletter.
mooseheadm5 wrote:How much for your painted ones?
Do you mean my Tupperware? If so, whatever the going rate is.
Posted: Jan 07, 2011 8:41 PM
by PrionaceGlauca
oldskool wrote:... all posing seductivly [sic] around my vintage German hot-rod?
That's "Bratwurst" - get it straight.

And some enviable Motorsport examples - beautiful.
Posted: Jan 07, 2011 8:45 PM
by mooseheadm5
Charles Gray wrote:
mooseheadm5 wrote:How much for your painted ones?
Do you mean my Tupperware? If so, whatever the going rate is.
Damn. I couldn't tell when I was phone browsing. I don't need (and can't afford) tupperware.
Posted: Jan 26, 2011 2:27 PM
by billzcat1
Hi guys -
I'm a colleague of Nathan's and he's on vacation. Our time table is pretty urgent so I am chiming in his absence.
The shoot will be used to 3D-model the E28 M5. Unfortunately I can't publicly discuss more than that but I can assure you that nothing offensive will be done with the car. In addition, we will digitally remove all identifying marks from the car such as license plates and VIN tags. If anyone is interested, we are available to shoot it as soon as next week.
The car needs to be started but not driven. We need 20 feet all around the car for the photoshoot. If you are interested, we also need sound recordings which would be performed under load on a dyno. This is by no means a requirement of doing the photoshoot, but is another part of the project we will need to source.
PM ME here on mye28 forums and we can discuss further details.
Posted: Jan 26, 2011 2:47 PM
by tangerineman91
This sounds like prepping for special effects for a movie. Somebody jump on this.
Posted: Jan 26, 2011 2:52 PM
by BMWgiant
tangerineman91 wrote:This sounds like prepping for special effects for a movie. Somebody jump on this.
That or a video game... Somebody definitely better step up! I can't wait to see the final product!
Posted: Jan 27, 2011 6:41 PM
by billzcat1
As mentioned, I can't say publicly what specifically the shoot is for.
I'm also afraid the car needs to be more than just a euro-bumper equipped E28, it needs to be an actual gray-market european import. Must have M88 and km/h dashboard. Of course we could find some in der Vaterland, but we are limited to North American travel at this time.
If anyone has any leads on such a car, that would be fantastic.
Posted: Jan 27, 2011 7:15 PM
by nnarth212
So-- you're Bill Gates. Why not buy BMW and have them make you a new M5 rather than cloning one from the silicate based life form you met in hyperspace....
C'mon, Bill. Do it right.

Posted: Jan 27, 2011 7:16 PM
by billzcat1
What you suggest is the *easy* way. Some of us prefer silicate based lifeforms from hyperspace!

Posted: Jan 27, 2011 7:37 PM
by mooseheadm5
Let's see:
You're in a hurry
Car must be largely unmodified
The car must be a grey market M5
Must still have kph speedo
You are effectively looking for 1 of maybe half a dozen cars in North America. Good luck with that.
Try over at as well.
Posted: Jan 27, 2011 7:41 PM
by wkohler
I've got all of that except the M88. Well, I guess I "have" the M88 too, but in a different car.
Posted: Jan 28, 2011 7:39 AM
by MicahO
wkohler wrote:I've got all of that except the M88. Well, I guess I "have" the M88 too, but in a different car.
If it's all getting virtualized for 3d there's no reason they couldn't do a shoot of the Euro body, and then a shoot of the M88 engine bay, and graft the two together?
If the end product is going to be gaming or CGI, I would think there is a lot of picking and choosing and mashup they could do prior to delivery of the final product.
Why then the requirement for a single grey-market car with a KM dash, etc? Shoot a couple of vehicles and mix/match.