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OT: Where to find E23 eye candy?

Posted: Sep 28, 2010 11:32 PM
by Dave McLaren
Where are all the top-notch E23s? If you read this, Ron, it's that silver 745 on RXIIs that got me ruminating on E23s. Thanks, dude, like I need another slippery slope project. ;)

I'd love to see some well done 745s in the resto-mod vein. I'm thinking staggered 18" BBS/Alpina/Hartge wheels, H&R/Eibach/Bilsteins, manual trans swap, built motor with increased boost... basically kind of thing I'd build.


Posted: Sep 28, 2010 11:36 PM
by T_C_D
I really like e23s but you will be dissappointed in the stock turbo setup. You know what you will need to do. ;)

Here is a picture of my last one.


Posted: Sep 29, 2010 12:45 AM
by Dave McLaren
LOL yeah, Todd, that's what I'm talkin' bout. Got some more pics and info on that beast? Blue would be my number one choice. What is that, Arktisblau? I love Arktis and Royal, so tasty.

Of course you know I've clicked on all those 745 upgrades on the TCD site. Many times.

I have a thing for big silly 7ers. Why else would I swap a manual trans into an E38 740iL? With an E23, I imagine it would be easier and cheaper. Do some suspension, wheels, uncork the power, maybe do some iS/M5 seats...


Posted: Sep 29, 2010 1:46 AM
by alijonny
T_C_D wrote:I really like e23s but you will be dissappointed in the stock turbo setup. You know what you will need to do. ;)

Here is a picture of my last one.

WOW Todd, you have good taste. Who has that car now? I plan to get the style 5's on my e23 soon here. My e23 is a rusty driver with a couple mods. Todd, do you know a guy by the name Steven Cotsirilos? apparently he built my 745 a number of years back. He lives in Wilmette, IL.
here's mine:

Posted: Sep 29, 2010 2:13 AM
by Mike W. ... IC_ID=3351

The guy who runs it used to post here some, Scottie Sharpe, he had an M5 for a while at least. I don't know how active it still is, but last I knew it was the source for E23 info.

Posted: Sep 29, 2010 6:56 AM
by RonP

Sorry to have wrecked you, I had no intention of doing so! Why don't we snag that Cobalt Blue car away from Ron, paint it, wheel it down, and put a B35 with a TCD Stage 2 in it. The car already has sport seats and working a/c! I know he wants to sell it and it could be had for cheap.....just a thought.

Posted: Sep 29, 2010 8:36 AM
by vance
Yea, there is something about a nice e23. TCD upgrades will be happening to one of my cars in the New Year if not both.


Posted: Sep 30, 2010 12:09 AM
by Dave McLaren
Mike: Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately the and the wiki thing he made from it appear to be both gone. :(

Ron: Yeah, I did contemplate that car after we were chatting there near it. I'm thinking that if I do one of these I'd like to start with something nicer. Not like I'm in a hurry, as the E30 project is moving so damned glacially. For the next car I don't want to ready-fire-aim. I'd rather get familiar with the E23, see what people are doing, kinda keep an eye on sweet examples which may be registered in CA. Some other poor bastard who dumped a crapload of money into a 745i orgasmatron might need to sell and take a hit in the wallet and another in the groin from his wife. I could bring him a check and an ice pack.

At least there are killer E28s changing hands in CA every year so that would be pretty easy. There's always something interesting in Perryland. :D

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 12:18 AM
by RonP

The problem I always see with e23s is they seem to be the un-loved by many owners and they just drive them into the ground. Every 745i I have looked at to buy had MAJOR issues. The only one that I have seen that was half way decent is now in the hands of one of the zembers here for north of $17k....and he happily paid it. It was a Schwartz executive with Anthricite buffalo leather with just over 61k on it. This is why I suggested the Cobalt car. Your basis would be low, the a/c works (which is a major feat in itself), sport seats and a rust free platform. Put in a new dash, paint, and a B35 with a TCD stage 2 with a 5 speed and you would be in the car around $12k and it would be a monster!

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 12:40 AM
by alijonny
my 745 was owned by some real pieces of work (including myself). It's unfortunate the car ended up in such poor shape, but I have done all kinds of things to bring it back up to where it is currently. I doubt the car will be valued at anything over $5k even after dumping time and money into it just because of the rust. I really like the car, it has grown on me in a bad way. :dunno:

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 1:02 AM
by Mike W.
Dave McLaren wrote:Mike: Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately the and the wiki thing he made from it appear to be both gone. :(
No, it's still there, it has posts even as recent as today. I'm not sure how much eye candy is in there, but the site is still active.

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 1:16 AM
by wkohler
All the E23 Eye candy is at Eric Quon's house. LOL.

Re: OT: Where to find E23 eye candy?

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 10:54 AM
by rlomba8204
Dave McLaren wrote:Re: OT: Where to find E23 eye candy?
Perhaps the junkyard?

(Sorry I couldn't resist. I had a love hate relationship with my old E23, although there are many folks here who like them. I guess we all need a certain amount of pain and anguish in our lives, because what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.)

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 11:30 AM
by WilNJ
T_C_D wrote: Image
RonP wrote:Dave,

The problem I always see with e23s is they seem to be the un-loved by many owners and they just drive them into the ground. Every 745i I have looked at to buy had MAJOR issues. The only one that I have seen that was half way decent is now in the hands of one of the zembers here for north of $17k....and he happily paid it. It was a Schwartz executive with Anthricite buffalo leather with just over 61k on it. This is why I suggested the Cobalt car. Your basis would be low, the a/c works (which is a major feat in itself), sport seats and a rust free platform. Put in a new dash, paint, and a B35 with a TCD stage 2 with a 5 speed and you would be in the car around $12k and it would be a monster!
Ron, you're a wicked enabler. I need to stash a couple of bucks and then we need to talk.

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 11:43 AM
by RonP
Ron, you're a wicked enabler. I need to stash a couple of bucks and then we need to talk.

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 4:39 PM
by M. Holtmeier
Not all 745i owners are running thier cars into the ground. This one has the TCD turbo hardware on it, converted to a 5 speed(g265), the hvac system works, and the interior is somewhat sorted. It's not perfect, but the longer I own it, the nicer it gets.


Posted: Sep 30, 2010 4:55 PM
by vance
You got it looking great Mike!


Posted: Sep 30, 2010 5:56 PM
by Kenny Blankenship
wkohler wrote:All the E23 Eye candy is at Eric Quon's house. LOL.
I don't count. He wants to see 745s... ;)

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 5:59 PM
by Brad D.
Mike, I love the Nardi wheel.

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 7:36 PM
by Blue Shadow
Kenny Blankenship wrote: I don't count. He wants to see 745s... ;)
Mine is out, too, same reason.

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 8:31 PM
by 87royal
RonP wrote:The problem I always see with e23s is they seem to be the un-loved by many owners and they just drive them into the ground. Every 745i I have looked at to buy had MAJOR issues. The only one that I have seen that was half way decent is now in the hands of one of the zembers here for north of $17k....and he happily paid it.
Does that include Steven's? Thought his was available to you.

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 8:51 PM
by Mr Project
(Mike, you going on the Loess hills trip? I'd love to get a better look at your car and talk about your shifter and MS setup....)

Ok, mine's not a 745i either, but it's an E23 and it has a turbo hanging off one side of the motor, so I get partial credit, right?


Posted: Sep 30, 2010 9:17 PM
by RonP
Does that include Steven's? Thought his was available to you.
Not any longer! Tata says "no more selling cars"!!!

Posted: Sep 30, 2010 9:53 PM
by kway
You need to buy mine. Won't officially be for sale until next spring though...


The most recent pic. Walking out of the garage and the way it was sitting there just struck me. Had to snap a quick one with the phone.

Bone stock and cold A/C, so a perfect starting point! :dead:

I agree, Arctic Blue is gorgeous. It's a toss up with Jet Black as my favorite e23 color.

Posted: Oct 01, 2010 12:09 AM
by Dave McLaren
Wow, thanks guys.

Mike - Whoa, you're right. I'm not even going to try to figure out how I failed that, other than to speculate that it's not for lack of internet experience, but early onset of Alzheimer's. At this stage it's still CRS syndrome.

Ron - I've got to let that one ride. I'd just buy a clean E28 first. I'll do that anyway sometime, but I'm in an exploratory mindset on the E23. I do wish that blue one would go away and quit haunting me, though.

Vance - love your car. The stance (why is it hard to use that word these days?), the wheels, it's got it goin' on.

Holtmeier - stunning car. Alpine, Buffalo, the Nardi, manual, TCD... just the kind of thing I have in mind.

Kenny and Blue - while I'm into 745s for the power potential, I'd like to see any well-done E23.

Project - full points awarded. Those look Racing Dynamics, and I love those. Sexy.

kway - staggered M-Pars are really working on your car. Fantastic. I wanted to see some larger but aesthetically appropriate wheels, and there you go.

Thanks, everyone. I kinda hope this thread will keep delivering more E23 goodness.


Posted: Oct 01, 2010 12:17 AM
by M. Holtmeier
Mr Project wrote:(Mike, you going on the Loess hills trip? I'd love to get a better look at your car and talk about your shifter and MS setup....)
I should be all set to go by then. If LJ is still having trouble with his, I told him he can drive the 7.

kway wrote:Image

Every time I see pics of this car = Damn! :shock:


Posted: Oct 01, 2010 1:39 AM
by alijonny
damn not even an honorable mention...


Posted: Oct 01, 2010 6:06 AM
by johnnye23
Well Vance has got my E23 right now rebuilding the A/C system and I have his latest E23 that I am doing some bodywork in trade for.
I love the E23 745i executive models . But I think I would be happier to find a nice Euro E23 5 speed car and put manual E30 sport seats in it and purchase a complete kit from Todd for the boost side of it.
In its day the 745i was a badass car but with today's technology ( read TDC here) you can build a better more dependable and FASTER car. So many more upgrades can be sourced today . See now I am getting the E23 fever again...

Posted: Oct 01, 2010 11:26 AM
by kway
Dave McLaren wrote: kway - staggered M-Pars are really working on your car. Fantastic. I wanted to see some larger but aesthetically appropriate wheels, and there you go.
Thanks! And to think I considered putting M Contours on it at one point. <blech>

Then the 740i Sport came out and I was like there you go, THOSE are my wheels!
M. Holtmeier wrote:Every time I see pics of this car = Damn! :shock:

Thank you sir! Gonna be hard letting this one go, but it's time.

Posted: Oct 01, 2010 5:10 PM
by Kenny Blankenship
Kenny and Blue - while I'm into 745s for the power potential, I'd like to see any well-done E23.
Ohhh...OK. Mine aren't as "radical" as the other examples:

This one has Euro bumpers now...



I also have an '82 Sapphire Blue sharknose 733i. Don't have a good pic of that yet.