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VH1 "You Oughta Know" Artists

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 9:26 AM
by Shawn D.
Nearly all of the VH1 "You Oughta Know" Artists seem pretty crapacular to me. What do Y'all think?

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 10:14 AM
by Tim in N FL
Have a link to the story handy?

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 10:31 AM
by Shawn D.
Tim in N FL wrote:Have a link to the story handy?
There's no relevant "story," per se. VH1 has these short promos that quickly describe an artist/band and his/her/their background/music/self-commentary, with the point being "These are bands you ought to know." They then immediately launch into a video from said band. So far, I'm not impressed by any of them, except for maybe K.T. Tunstall.

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 11:32 AM
Sounds to me like the usual recording industry hype. Those guys would promote white noise if they could get people to buy it.

Many years ago, in a different life before WITSEC, I was in the radio & entertainment industry - you'd be amazed at the crap that was shoveled out the door as the "latest and greatest". I threw away enough vinyl in a weeks time to fill a small dumpster. Every one was an "instant classic" - none of which were classic for more than 5 minutes.

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 1:34 PM
by stuartinmn
You mean they actually still show music videos on VH1?

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 3:00 PM
by Paul in N FL
Flogging Molly was the only band on there that i know.

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 3:08 PM
by wkohler
I recognized quite a few of those from my time in college radio. The latest Kings of Leon single is a good one, and I have the first two Zutons albums. Most everything else can go to hell.

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 10:32 PM
by davem
BRRV wrote:
Many years ago, in a different life before WITSEC, I was in the radio & entertainment industry
Dude, shhhhh.

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 10:42 PM
by C.J.
cokeisgood00 wrote:Flogging Molly was the only band on there that i know.
They had Flogging Molly on "Artists You Outta Know"? Seriously? They've been around for years... :?

The Kings of Leon are great, though unrecognized in the US for some reason.

Posted: Apr 15, 2009 10:29 PM
by mooseheadm5
I have heard of about 1/3 of them. Some good ones, though. Flogging Molly, of course. Feist is generally pretty good, if a bit pop-y. Killers, Kings of Leon, Rise Against, Snow Patrol, Scissor Sisters, and a few others are very good. One of my all time favorites, though, is Regina Spektor. She is an absolute siren. You can check out some of her stuff on that site.

Posted: Apr 15, 2009 11:01 PM
by Shawn D.
Ah, I didn't bother to go through the list -- I was just going on the segments they've had on the channel, and those definitely SUXORS. I've got a couple of Snow Patrol CDs myself and definitely didn't find out about them on VH1... :roll: