Hello. I have an '86 535i with an 059 ECU. Currently it has a Miller MAF and base chip, intake, and downpipe-back exhaust.
Ultimately, I feel like an engine swap is the way to go and so I don't want to sink a ton of cash into making big power with the M30. I think I'll just twiddle my thumbs until B58 donor cars come down in price.
However, I feel like Schmiedmann manifolds, wasted spark, E85 flex fuel, and a 100 shot of nitrous would be perfectly reasonable and responsible with an estimated 300-325 wheel torque in the mean time and I should be able to manage this for around $5-7k.
That said, I'm looking at an MS3 (
https://www.diyautotune.com/product/meg ... lack-case/ ) and have reviewed the documentation about adapting the factory harness, but I'm curious if anyone has built and documented a fresh new MS specific harness using one of their loom kits (
https://www.diyautotune.com/product/10- ... ms3-ready/ ) to replace our ancient wiring from back when a 5.25" floppy disk was the most advanced thing on the planet. Can't tune away a repair problem and all that. And if my naked eye can see my injector plugs crumbling to bits, what electrical damage can I NOT see?
I've extensively used the search function, but it's (I'm) not all that smart here and pulls up a lot of unrelated noise.
It'd be nice to be able to delete unneeded or damaged circuits with a brand new harness, but I reckon it'd be a huge pain in the ass, as well as complicate the whole working instrument cluster thing.
Additionally, if I retain the factory harness, has anyone heard anything about the E28Goodies PNP solution?
https://e28goodies.com/product/m30-motr ... grammable/
It's effectively an MS2 pigtailed to the factory 35-pin stuffed inside a sheet metal box. I'm not against an MS2, but there's virtually no cost difference between MS2 and MS3, and the MS3 is objectively quite a bit better.
Unless I'm overlooking something from AMP EFI that's viable. I see they offer an MS2 base solution for the E30/E32/E34 55-pin straight sixes (
https://www.ampefi.com/product/mspnp2-8 ... -e30-325i/ ) but nothing for the MS3Pro PNP.
I do have the ECU-side 35-pin plug from a cooked 059 ECU, and would be able to use that with a DB37 pigtail to get something almost PNP.
Just curious to see what the modern doctrine is. The OP was from sixteen years ago, so it's mostly a wiring document at this point. I mean, those are Windows XP screenshots.