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What are you thankful for?
Posted: Nov 24, 2008 1:19 AM
by 1st 5er
Being this is the week we as a nation celebrate this holiday I thought I'd share a family tradition of ours.
We started when our children were little, at the Thanksgiving dinner table, to go around and give each an opportunity to share what they were thankful for.
We continue it to this day and even though our children are grown and married they and their spouses are eager to share before we eat.
So I know it's redundant, but, "What are you thankful for?"
Pumpkin Pie?
Posted: Nov 24, 2008 9:08 AM
by No57Mad
I am thankful that I have:
A job that pays the bills
No debt (except the house)
A loving beautiful loving wife
Good kids
No wildfires in my area.
I could go on be I guess that these top my list.
Posted: Nov 24, 2008 9:15 AM
by south26
I am thankful for my 7 month old son Griffin, who is the best baby in the whole (at least I think so) My loving wife who puts up with her annoying husband and his hobbies. Having a job that is not going to go away (even if it does not pay the best, school teacher) and last but not least I am thankful that I live in a country where war and famine are something that happens in other places, that I most likely will not loose my son in his first years, and I will get to see him grow up to drive a BMW

Posted: Nov 24, 2008 9:38 AM
by Duke
My Wife
My Son
Our good health
A great job
Posted: Nov 24, 2008 9:49 AM
by shagrath
My loving wife
My sons Devin and Richard
Richards improving conditions, and the fact he is still alive!
This wonderful country
The roof over our head
The great e28 that carries us on!
Posted: Nov 26, 2008 1:46 AM
by 1st 5er
That I was born at this time in history.
That I live in the U S of A
That I found a woman 32 years ago that loved and still loves me, warts and all.
4 great kids.
2 beautiful grandchildren with 2 more in the ovens.
My health.
My friends.
Basically, in a nutshell, the revelation to live and enjoy life's pleasures. John 10:10
Posted: Nov 26, 2008 9:32 AM
by jimoreno
...having made it through an almost divorce a year ago (because of my stupid mistakes!) and still have the wonderful loving wife that I met 19 years ago (and married 17 ago!)
My sons, 16 and 14
My family (who live in Puerto Rico and BTW, my Mom is having surgery today)
Having a job that I love and still pays the bills.
Posted: Nov 26, 2008 10:28 AM
by RoyW
Echoing what many have already said, I'm thankful for:
-My wife of 41 years
-My 3 kids and 8 grandkids (we'll all be together tomorrow for the 4 F's... family, food, fun & football... life is good

-Living in the USA... and all the freedoms that go with it
-Our relatively good health
-Friends of all kind...old, new, close, distant, etc.
-Passion for life (which would include cars!!)
Happy Thanksgiving to all
Posted: Nov 26, 2008 10:35 AM
by rlomba8204
Where do I begin?
-- Wonderful wife who puts up with me;
-- Totally perfect and gorgeous baby boy born a few weeks ago (yes I am biased, but the fact that he is perfect is beyond any dispute, period, end of story);
-- Terrific family on both my side and my wife's side;
-- Amazing friends; and
-- Good health.
The other thing I am thankful for is my outlook. Probably mostly due to my parents, I take the view that while life will always present challenges, those challenges, and the inevitable mistakes we make when confronted with said challenges, provide the greatest opportunity for learning and gaining perspective.
Posted: Nov 26, 2008 12:04 PM
by Brad D.
My wife
Our first child on the way
My family
My job
My health
My friends
Posted: Nov 26, 2008 12:22 PM
by shagrath
Big Bronze Rim wrote:
Our first child on the way
I'm excited for you buddy!

Posted: Nov 26, 2008 12:31 PM
by Brad D.
stikrz wrote:Big Bronze Rim wrote:
Our first child on the way
I'm excited for you buddy!

Thanks man, we are immensely excited and are so blessed. A whole new chapter in the book of life. BTW we are having a boy due at the end of January next year.

Posted: Nov 26, 2008 12:50 PM
by shagrath
Big Bronze Rim wrote:stikrz wrote:Big Bronze Rim wrote:
Our first child on the way
I'm excited for you buddy!

Thanks man, we are immensely excited and are so blessed. A whole new chapter in the book of life. BTW we are having a boy due at the end of January next year.

If you need anything man, like baby clothes or whatever, diapers for newborn... let me know man I'll ship em!
Posted: Nov 26, 2008 1:27 PM
by Tammer in Philly
rlomba8204 wrote:
-- Totally perfect and gorgeous baby boy born a few weeks ago (yes I am biased, but the fact that he is perfect is beyond any dispute, period, end of story);
Did I miss this? Congrats to you and the wife, Ray! Please give her a hello for me this holiday, and I hope you're both finding some time to rest. :-)
I'm thankful for my loved ones' health, first and foremost. Also, I guess I'm lucky to have another 18 months or so in school right now ... I'm thankful I don't have to find a new job right this minute! Finally, it's great to live in a place where we can freely enjoy our crazy hobbies.
I hope everyone here has a safe and fun Thanksgiving. And remember, you're supposed to relax a little!
Posted: Nov 26, 2008 2:09 PM
by twin55
I am Thankful that we treat each other like a family... We all has been an loving member’s

, hateful members

, confused members

etc. at sometimes, we just one big international family. In addition, for those who disowned me as a family member that is ok! Because, we are still family, unless you cancel your membership and sign in as a guest.

Posted: Nov 26, 2008 2:15 PM
by rlomba8204
Tammer in Philly wrote:
Did I miss this? Congrats to you and the wife, Ray! Please give her a hello for me this holiday, and I hope you're both finding some time to rest. :-)
Thanks Tammer. I appreciate it. Everyone is doing well, even getting some sleep. The little guy takes after me insofar as that as long as he eats sufficiently and gets enough rest, he's relatively placid, but if he is not sufficiently rested or is hungry, watch out! And of course it's a great deal of work, but unbelievably rewarding, needless to say.
Have a great Thanksgiving too.
Posted: Nov 26, 2008 2:36 PM
by oob3r
i'm grateful for enjoying the luxury of choice, my parents for choosing me for their son, their guidance and love which played a massive part on me becoming who i am today, and for every experience i have had and will have, because there is a lesson to all of it...
big congrats to rlomba!
A day to celebrate; a day to remember.
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 12:13 PM
by KingCast
Well first I think a little perspective on Thanksgiving is called for: ... iving.html
27 November 2008
KingCast says Happy Thanksgiving!
As part Cherokee and as a full citizen of this fine Country, I just want you to remember where it all really started:
In 1637 near present day Groton, Connecticut, over 700 men, women and children of the Pequot Tribe had gathered for their annual Green Corn Festival which is our Thanksgiving celebration. In the predawn hours the sleeping Indians were surrounded by English and Dutch mercenaries who ordered them to come outside. Those who came out were shot or clubbed to death while the terrified women and children who huddled inside the longhouse were burned alive. The next day the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony declared "A Day Of Thanksgiving" because 700 unarmed men, women and children had been murdered.
Cheered by their "victory", the brave colonists and their Indian allies attacked village after village. Women and children over 14 were sold into slavery while the rest were murdered. Boats loaded with a many as 500 slaves regularly left the ports of New England. Bounties were paid for Indian scalps to encourage as many deaths as possible.
That having been said, I am thankful to my family and I am, above all, thankful to live in a free society where I can point things out like this and still keep a decent job in Corporate America.
I have a neat old car: ... g-hot.html
And best of all, I have a great girlfriend!
Peace, guys.
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 12:17 PM
by Shawn D.
Well, KingCast is almost back to his typical form. Thanks for bringing your negativity to the party.
I am thankful for my family, my health, and because I am a citizen of the greatest nation on Earth.

Posted: Nov 27, 2008 12:51 PM
by a
I am thankful for my family, the whole lot of them. As a family, we've put the fun in dysfunctional. I am thankful for the country and our way of life, flawed though it may be.
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 2:46 PM
by JoshInAtlanta
Hey, I am thankful for family and the freedom to do what I want. I got a great day off to sleep in, eat a big breakfast, then sit out in the gorgeous weather and changes the brakes on my dads SUV, all while getting paid! I'm gonna waste my afternoon with some video games, then enjoy a delicious dinner!
Life is good!
Not negative, just accurate my brother.
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 3:12 PM
by KingCast
Shawn D. wrote:Well, KingCast is almost back to his typical form. Thanks for bringing your negativity to the party.
I am thankful for my family, my health, and because I am a citizen of the greatest nation on Earth.

Shawn, I'm not being negative, just being accurate. You can't celebrate a particular event without recognizing its origins, or at least you shouldn't.
As with St. Patrick's Day I recognize him as a Civil Rights Activist and celebrate in his honour, is that okay with you?
I am clearly thankful that this country has come as far as it has, my brother. One reason why this is such a great country is because we have the right to point out its previous mistakes and abuses without fear of retribution by our government, correct me if I'm wrong.
And while I'm at it, what is my "typical form." Go pull all of my posts and analyse them. Just because you don't like some things I say at some points doesn't make you judge, jury and executioner, remember that.
PS: I took an inline skate over through the Chattahoochee River park just now (it's about 1000 feet from my door) to think about this post, and how obvious it is that Shawn and I have differing viewpoints, otherwise there's no way he gets his nose out of joint because I clearly wrote
"A day to celebrate, a day to remember."
What the hell is wrong with that?
Yet he attacks me even though I have not mentioned anything about bad cops in New Hampshire, or any of that. If he could, he would just wipe me off of this board just like what happened in the original Thanksgiving Day celebration.
Shawn my brother, take a chill and let the red mist settle. You might even find that we agree on some things and have a good time in here.
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 4:49 PM
by Mike W.
twin55 wrote:I am Thankful that we treat each other like a family... We all has been an loving member’s

, hateful members

, confused members

etc. at sometimes, we just one big international family. In addition, for those who disowned me as a family member that is ok! Because, we are still family, unless you cancel your membership and sign in as a guest.

Well put, well put. That's what we have to keep in mind here, some are quirky in quite a variety of ways, and some just kind of push buttons on some. See Shawn and Chris above. IMHO, Chris threw in more than he needed to, but he has toned it down considerably, so I am happy to cut him some slack. I'm not even disagreeing with anything he had to say, just that this is a BMW board, and here, like at a big family dinner table, you don't talk politics if you want to get along.
But back on topic, I'm thankful for a wonderful wife, great kids and grandkids. Good health and a comfortable life along with time to pursue distractions like this. And in a way, most of all, for the realization of how good I do have it, half of having it good is the appreciation of it.
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 5:19 PM
by Tim in N FL
Great question on this fine day. Like others here, I'm eternally grateful for my life and the gift of good health (the sine qua non of one's quality-of-life) in my 42 years thus far, my family, my wonderful & loving parents who sacrificed so much for me & my sister, my lovely wife Dulce (20 wonderful years together this month!), our awesome son Timothy III (our own little miracle), for those I am fortunate to call my friends (lifelong, car pals here & elsewhere, band mates), my close colleagues, my education & profession, our home, my hobbies (German cars, Music, travels) nauseum. Finally, I am thankful for the gift of life and to be able to live it in the United States of America.
Right on, right on.
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 5:26 PM
by KingCast
Now then back to the beauty of our Country, shot from the Crackberry -- should have brought the real camera but not bad nonetheless:

Posted: Nov 27, 2008 5:27 PM
by wkohler
I'm thankful for:
My health
My friends (which includes yourselves)
My family, though sometimes they do really annoy me
The opportunities I've had so far
The challenges I've had so far
The colonists attacking village after village with their Indian allies, selling women and children into slavery so we can have a long weekend, though some might not be so thankful for that.
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 6:08 PM
by KingCast
wkohler wrote:I'm thankful for:
My health
My friends (which includes yourselves)
My family, though sometimes they do really annoy me
The opportunities I've had so far
The challenges I've had so far
The colonists attacking village after village with their Indian allies, selling women and children into slavery so we can have a long weekend, though some might not be so thankful for that.
As part American Indian and as someone whose great-great-grandparents were slaves in America I'm thankful that I can tell you to go to hell, and kiss my black *ss.
Although you might not be thankful for that, you've earned it with that racist cockhead comment, particularly after the resolution of this matter and my picture from an American Indian river.
You f*ckin' tosser.
Re: Prick.
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 6:36 PM
by Dana R
KingCast wrote:wkohler wrote:I'm thankful for:
My health
My friends (which includes yourselves)
My family, though sometimes they do really annoy me
The opportunities I've had so far
The challenges I've had so far
The colonists attacking village after village with their Indian allies, selling women and children into slavery so we can have a long weekend, though some might not be so thankful for that.
As part American Indian and as someone whose great-great-grandparents were slaves in America I'm thankful that I can tell you to go to hell, and kiss my black *ss.
Although you might not be thankful for that, you've earned it with that racist cockhead comment, particularly after the resolution of this matter and my picture from an American Indian river.
You f*ckin' tosser.
He made a joke, Kingcast. Not a particularly good one, but a joke nevertheless. You take yourself way too seriously to be any fun.
BTW, I'm thankful that most people on this forum are good guys and really helpful, warm, caring people. I'm especially thankful for my wife of 25 years who puts up with me, and my 2 teenage kids who tolerate me, and I'm especially thankful for their good health.
Re: Prick.
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 6:41 PM
by wkohler
Dana R wrote:
He made a joke, Kingcast. Not a particularly good one, but a joke nevertheless. You take yourself way too seriously to be any fun.
Actually, that was my way of saying I'm thankful for our history as a nation. Many people these days aren't. We all remember learning about the Thanksgiving story in school, but we only heard the sanitized version. The whole story is part of our history. If we had no history, where would be be today? Sure, things happen that we might not be particularly proud of, but we cannot dwell on them or forget them either.
Sorry if it was deemed offensive, but it seemed like a more interesting way to say I was thankful for our history.
I had a question to ask, but this thread is not the place for it, so I'll leave it out.
Re: Prick.
Posted: Nov 27, 2008 6:45 PM
by KingCast
Dana R wrote:KingCast wrote:wkohler wrote:I'm thankful for:
My health
My friends (which includes yourselves)
My family, though sometimes they do really annoy me
The opportunities I've had so far
The challenges I've had so far
The colonists attacking village after village with their Indian allies, selling women and children into slavery so we can have a long weekend, though some might not be so thankful for that.
As part American Indian and as someone whose great-great-grandparents were slaves in America I'm thankful that I can tell you to go to hell, and kiss my black *ss.
Although you might not be thankful for that, you've earned it with that racist cockhead comment, particularly after the resolution of this matter and my picture from an American Indian river.
You f*ckin' tosser.
He made a joke, Kingcast. Not a particularly good one, but a joke nevertheless. You take yourself way too seriously to be any fun.
BTW, I'm thankful that most people on this forum are good guys and really helpful, warm, caring people. I'm especially thankful for my wife of 25 years who puts up with me, and my 2 teenage kids who tolerate me, and I'm especially thankful for their good health.
Dude, I post a lot of fun stuff on the board, what are you talking about???
I'm not taking myself seriously, I'm taking the situation seriously.
That sh*t ain't nothing to joke about and I don't joke about it with (or about) any other peoples of the World.
All clear.
So if he was buck wild with his joke, I apologize for not simply saying "that was highly insenstive."
All clear.