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Radiator Question

Posted: Feb 02, 2008 12:16 PM
by Badger
Since I have cut the front of my car off and am trying to get a a/a intercooler in. Check my build post. Do you think this will cool enough? I should prob upgrade to all aluminum Anyway. ... toview=sku

It has a smaller height which would allow me to raise the mouting bar on the bottom so I could get a bigger intercooler down there. What do you guys think?

Posted: Feb 02, 2008 12:25 PM
by M. Holtmeier
Search around here, I read a post about someone who got a summit rad in IIRC. I'm pretty sure you had to modify one of the tanks though.

Here you go. Not just someone, but one of your friendly helping Beamters!!

Posted: Feb 02, 2008 12:37 PM
by Badger
yea i read that, but my point is I trying to save a little space to fit a bigger a/a intercooler, i know the bigger radiator fits but will the small one do the job.

Posted: Feb 02, 2008 3:01 PM
by M. Holtmeier
Are you planning on scrapping the A/C?

To my understanding and personal experience, the stock cooling system works fine under normal boosted applications with the addidtion of an oil cooler. Track use I cannot say, maybe that's why Skeen wanted bigger. If you can get the core size of the radiator you're looking at, just make sure it's at or above 560 in^3. I know the overall measurements of the one in question barely top what the core size alone of a stock radiaotor is. Did you find any posts from Turbodan? I know he was working alot with an a/a setup on his car.

Posted: Feb 02, 2008 3:52 PM
by Badger
so the plan is deletion of the engine fan, replacing with electric spal 16" 2300cfm fan m3 guys have been using them with sucess, big summit alum radiator, dual pass condensor and a big intercooler that goes as high as the radiator. I figure i can fit it all and then brace it in with angle iron. My neighbor has a bunch of metal in his garage and i have a grinder so im gonna go to town and see if i can make it fit. Making cardboard mock up of each peice to see if it actually fits. Never done this before but i was good with legos as a kid. wish me luck
