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Feeler. Looking to buy another 535is, 5 speed
Posted: Jan 13, 2008 3:00 PM
by crazy88
So I'm finally settled here in rust heavan Pennsylvania. I'm thinking about getting back into the addiction, but this time look for something that is far less of a project and already has most if not all the euro parts I've always wanted to put on my previous 535is... now chef's. I miss the car. I hope you're treating her well.
So I'm very hesitant about buying a car here on the wrong coast. It's rust-ville out here, and I'm not buying anything rusty.
Suggestions, ideas welcome.
Posted: Jan 13, 2008 3:09 PM
by DaRedRocket
Wait, so you kept all of your parts you had? Good too see you're getting back with another project.
Posted: Jan 13, 2008 3:33 PM
by crazy88
Hi Austin. Happy New Year.
Nope. I sold everything, even the BBS RS wheels.
So. I'm starting over, but this time I'm looking for a built car instead. I unfortunately don't have the time to tinker anymore.
Work, work, work. Just wait till you get out of college. You'll long for those days when you were in school for the rest of your life.
The pic of your car caused me to drool a little. Very nice.

Posted: Jan 14, 2008 1:50 PM
by autsman
Does it have to be a 535is, or would you take a 535i?
Posted: Jan 15, 2008 11:51 AM
by crazy88
Hi there. It has to be an IS stick.
Getting some PMs from folks. I appreciate the info. Keep em coming. I feel it. I'm going to hopefully be in a 5er soon.
If not, then in an M6 shark.
Posted: Jan 15, 2008 12:21 PM
by crazy88
Austin. Your euro conversion is friggen sweet. That's exactly what I'm looking for in my new 5er... where someone's already completed the euro conversion. All I have to do is drive and enjoy.