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Help for a MegaSquirt n00b, please

Posted: Aug 26, 2007 9:31 PM
by Jeremy
I can't get my laptop to communicate with the ECU. According to the MegaTune documentation, it should go something like this:

1. Install software on your computer. (done)

2. Plug serial cable into laptop (yay, mine has one!) and into ECU. (done)

3. Turn on ignition to power up ECU

4. Launch Megatune, go to Communications : Settings . . . , select COM1 and click "Click to Test".

Every time I do this, however, I get "No response!" when I "Click to Test". The documentation also makes all kinds of references to things I would've done while building the unit, but since it's already built and running the car I'm at a bit of a loss. Do I need to set something up in the CODE_VARIANT part of the configurator to get communications working? I'm running MegaTune 2.25p1

A little help would be most appreciated. Car hits CT emissions at 11:00 AM tomorrow, and I want to tune for test conditions as I know exactly what they'll be. Since the car has no catalytic converter, I'd like to set the mixture to stoich and retard the timing a bit to clean it up at 25 mph in second gear.


Posted: Aug 26, 2007 9:49 PM
by rs4pro3
verify that the com port on your computer is com-1
If you check out the megasquirt page find the info on doing the hyperteminal test to test the connection

Posted: Aug 26, 2007 10:04 PM
by T_C_D
I'll be emailing you the instructions tomorrow morning.


Posted: Aug 26, 2007 10:33 PM
by Jeremy
Is hyperterminal better than the built in test thing in Settings in some way? Is that the same as "mini-terminal"?

I'll see what Todd shoots me tomorrow, hopefully that irons things out.


Posted: Aug 27, 2007 5:04 AM
by FirstFives Dictator
Jeremy wrote:Is hyperterminal better than the built in test thing in Settings in some way? Is that the same as "mini-terminal"?

I'll see what Todd shoots me tomorrow, hopefully that irons things out.

Yes it will.
If not, PM me with your phone #.