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Representing for Deutschland

Posted: Mar 05, 2007 12:55 AM
by turbodan ... 40661&st=0

I took the turbo beater to a local meet today on the invite from a few guys at work. It was a lot of fun. The looks from the group as I showed up were priceless. Once the hood was open they figured out why I came. Its pictured in the fifth row down on the right. I'm standing behind the Cobalt in the second row on the right, next to Buddy Holly. Unless you count the carbon fiber junk and stereos, it was the most extensively modified of the group. It was also the third oldest, behind the 1971 Jaguar V12 and VW Golf GTI. Some cool cars though, and a lot of fun.

Posted: Mar 05, 2007 12:58 AM
by wkohler
Hey, you got an engine shot, but no outside shot?

Posted: Mar 05, 2007 11:46 AM
by turbodan
I felt somewhat slighted by that. It is an ugly car, but not seeing the outside seems to take away from the ultimate sleeper aspect. It wasn't as pretty as the new BMW's and Porsches, I guess that was a problem.

Posted: Mar 05, 2007 1:47 PM
by turbodan
Here we go: ... 0661&st=45

They start about halfway down the page. You can even spot the oil leak from the pressure switch. I should probably fix that one of these days.

Posted: Mar 05, 2007 8:06 PM
by option00002
Link no good...

Posted: Mar 05, 2007 10:39 PM
by turbodan
Hmm. Seems to work for me. Try reloading?