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Idle Control Module - Burnt Resistor

Posted: Dec 25, 2022 4:13 PM
by williamtii
Merry Christmas to all!

Well I finally figured out (hopefully) the Idle issue I have been having since acquiring my 86' 528e. Despite replacing everything imaginable over the years the only way I could get it to idle and run decent was to richen the AFM wheel 4 clicks. Even an old stock rebuilt AFM wouldn't run well.

After a plugs, wires, cap, rotor change I was getting a surging Idle situation that over the course of 2 weeks worsened to the point it wouldn't take more than a cunt hairs throttle and finally a no start situation. Here is what I believe to be the culprit, a fried high power resistor in the Idle Control Module. You can see it up against the red end of the case below. A slowly failing resistor sure explains the issues I've been after the past years.

I have a line on one from another member and another from eBay in case one or the other is no good, but of course I'm going to try to replace the resistor on principle. Question is, has anyone tried this before and would anyone know the values so I can find a suitable replacement ?



Re: Idle Control Module - Burnt Resistor

Posted: Dec 28, 2022 11:43 AM
by gadget73
don't know the value, but the question is what killed it? Something drew too much current and cooked it. If thats on the power in or power out to the idle control motor, you might want to check for shorts in the wiring or problems with the idle control motor itself that might make it pull too much current. Shorted winding, that kind of thing. If whatever killed that originally isn't corrected, its just going to burn out again.

Re: Idle Control Module - Burnt Resistor

Posted: Dec 29, 2022 11:09 AM
by williamtii
Yes will definitely check which wires involve that resistor once the new ones arrive. Idle Motor is good and I have 2 good spares so I don't think thats the trouble.

I'm hoping for a short in the wiring that could also have caused my stereo / speakers to start getting fuzzy interference kind of sound

Re: Idle Control Module - Burnt Resistor

Posted: Dec 29, 2022 11:48 AM
by Galahad
That's a 1.1 ohm 2% resistor connecting one side of the ICV to ground (pin 5 on the main connector). I don't know what the power rating is, I could figure it out if you give me length and diameter measurements of the body.