A couple of things to bear in mind while doing this.
I recommend you remove the exhaust manifolds but don't remove the intake, it makes it easier to grab and lift the head (also... have an extra pair of hands for this part if you want to do this carefully).
Be extra careful not to let anything near the chain part, remember that if something falls there (say.. a nut) you might need to disassemble a lot more to retrieve it (ask me how I know

A couple of things I'd also do/check, fuel hoses, check for cracks and replace if needed. Buy the whole set of gaskets for the upper part of the engine as well, try to get the exhaust ones that have the heat shield. As said before, be extra careful to clean and remove all the oil from the threads, as this can crack your block.
A visual inspection of the head once removed is never a bad thing.
Clean the TB while you are at it, try not to remove the fuel rail from the intake as this can damage the o-rings if they are old.
Be sure to disconnect all vacuum hoses from the intake as well as the bottom support for the intake.
Inspect the coolant hoses before starting the job, because if one gets broken while removing/installing the head I doubt you'll be able to commute on monday

I'd also do a coolant/oil change after this (but this is just me... no real need to do so if you remove a couple of quarts of coolant before starting.
Buy querosene, gas, or your favorite thing to clean everything while it's out.
Almost forgot, buy rtv or similar, you want to place a small (very very small) amount where the front cover meets the block and the head (3 surfaces make contact), if you don't you'll probably get a small oil leak there