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Preacher's 5 Upgrades Are Done! - Updated 1/16/2019

Posted: Jun 17, 2018 2:42 PM
by Preacher's 5
Hi guys. It has been a while. We are making some changes to our 83 528. I am putting a in a '97 2.8L engine and tranny. It was time to bring forward a little bit. Real excited about the changes. It should be ready in a few weeks.

Getting dressed up.

In the car ready for final steps.

Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading

Posted: Jun 17, 2018 3:55 PM
by Preacher's 5
More pics coming as we progress.

Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading

Posted: Jun 17, 2018 4:31 PM
by tig

Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading

Posted: Jun 18, 2018 6:54 PM
by adam_poll
Who's mounts are you using? What do you think of them? For the transmission do you use the E28 mount or something else? It's looking good.


Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading

Posted: Jun 18, 2018 11:10 PM
by wkohler
Congrats! Haven't seen you in a while, so I'm glad you're still improving the E28!

Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading

Posted: Jun 19, 2018 9:00 AM
by Preacher's 5
adam_poll wrote:Who's mounts are you using? What do you think of them? For the transmission do you use the E28 mount or something else? It's looking good.

Hi Adam. The guy that is doing the work for me [Wayne Lins in Lawrenceville, GA]; ordered the mounts from the UK. As far tranny mounts; I think he custom makes those in his shop. He does all the work on a friend's cars, and builds race cars as well; so I am letting him do his thing.

Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading

Posted: Jun 19, 2018 9:05 AM
by Preacher's 5
wkohler wrote:Congrats! Haven't seen you in a while, so I'm glad you're still improving the E28!
Yeah it has been a while. The car was parked for about a year. Got tire of dealing with the fuel control problems with the old engine. so we decided to do a major upgrade. Wayne Lins does a great job with these conversions, so I decided to move forward with the project. Just can't bring myself to let go of this car. I have had it for 30 years. Don't of anything else more fun to drive.

Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading

Posted: Jun 19, 2018 9:20 AM
by Preacher's 5
For those guys that don't remember what she looks like here are some pics...



Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading

Posted: Jun 20, 2018 8:17 PM
by Preacher's 5
adam_poll wrote:Who's mounts are you using? What do you think of them? For the transmission do you use the E28 mount or something else? It's looking good.

Adam, I found the site for the engine mounts. Here is the direct link to their website. ... -improved/

Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading - New Pics

Posted: Jun 26, 2018 3:38 PM
by Preacher's 5
Engine and transmission are in the car.

They got the transmission in today. Should being putting in the driveshaft tomorrow. Just a few more things left to do. Should be getting the back next week.

Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading

Posted: Jun 26, 2018 6:56 PM
by muleskinner
Good to know we have a dirty priest and a preacher's 5 on here. Be healed!

Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading

Posted: Jul 04, 2018 11:31 AM
by L_N_Love
Great project. Keep us posted. Interested to hear how she performs with the new motor. Lighter and how much more hp?

Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading

Posted: Oct 31, 2018 10:05 PM
by Preacher's 5
Engine wiring coming together.

Transmission and shifter wired up as well as the A/M mode switch.

Airbox designed and mock up set in place for fitting. The finished cover will be made and formed from Kydex.
View from the top show cone filter location in the box.
Airbox has been powder coated.

Everything is coming together slowly, but when it is done it will be very unique. As far as I know; this is the first M52 swap in an E28 using an automatic tranny setup. My mechanic said he might do this same setup in his 1987 528e. This thing is going to be real nice when it is finished. Hopefully it will be finished in the next couple of weeks. Wayne gives great attention to detail, so I am not rushing him. More pics coming soon.

Re: Preacher's 5 is Upgrading - Updated 1/16/2019

Posted: Jan 16, 2019 11:04 AM
by Preacher's 5
The Preacher's 5 is back! It has been a long time coming, but we finally got this baby back together, and it is running great. Wayne Lins at Lins Specialty Automotive in Lawrenceville, GA did all the work for me. Great job and setup. Wayne is great. Yesterday he upgraded my front suspension. (tie rod; upper & lower control arm bushings; (thanks Moosehead Engineering); she handles great now. Getting ready for Vintage BMW Show in Asheville, NC. Got a few more things to windshield, E34 brake upgrade and a couple of little things.

The old setup...1989 2.5l m20

Now we have the new setup. 1998 2.8l m52 (328i donor car) with a 4 speed automatic. (Yes I did say automatic!)

New airbox with Kydex cover Wayne designed for me. (I added the MPower emblem to jazz it up a little)

Do you notice anything different? Wayne redesigned the old shifter bezel to fit location of E36 gear shifter. Genius!

Moosehead Engineering Upgrades