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E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 13, 2015 3:27 PM
by momo2ls
Suite has a cabin heating rate worries, I'll replace the resistance.
The problem is that I do not find its location.
n°3 ... g=64&fg=15
Help me please.
Thank you.

Re: €28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 13, 2015 11:32 PM
by demetk
I think it's behind the heater blower. You get to the heater blower from the engine compartment by removing the panel at the firewall.
Re: €28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 3:28 AM
by momo2ls
I just found a picture on the internet.
As I understand it, the resistance is in the center behind the plastic cover ?

Re: €28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 4:53 AM
by Motronic
It is inside the heater box next to the heater core itself. It is a HUGE job just to access it.

Re: €28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 4:57 AM
by momo2ls
At the same ventilation system ?
In this big black box ? ... g=64&fg=15
If so, it is necessary to remove the top of the dashboard?

Re: €28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 5:05 AM
by Motronic
oui, you pretty much have to take your dash apart and A/C evaporator box out just to get the heater box out to replace that. Next week I will be starting a picture thread on what it takes to get in there. I just replaced my core and resistor. You don't want to do it just to replace a resistor. It is a lot of work.
Re: €28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 5:40 AM
by momo2ls
I already bought the resistance, too late.
The work does not scare me. It's more that it's poorly designed. Dismantle as many things for a simple room, it is a really worries design!
Bon bah remains to add that to the list of things to do.
Already this weekend, pumping injectors, a cooling hose with a drain, and I take care to replace and clean the location of the boot joint.

Re: €28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 5:59 AM
by momo2ls
Is there an interest that the resistance is in the heating block?
What I mean, is it that I can put it outside in the back?
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 9:43 AM
by dhdrums
I thought I read somewhere on here that if you pull the blower motor out, you can reach in behind it in one of the ducts and replace it with out having to pull everything apart under the dash.
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 9:51 AM
by demetk
dhdrums wrote:I thought I read somewhere on here that if you pull the blower motor out, you can reach in behind it in one of the ducts and replace it with out having to pull everything apart under the dash.
stuartinmn wrote:south26 wrote:Hi, this is an old post but I was wondering where is the resister pack? Is it next to the fan?
It's behind the fan, once you remove it you can see the resistor pack up inside the ductwork. They put it there so the fan blowing on it keeps it cool.
That was my impression also.
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 10:12 AM
by momo2ls
I'll watch if possible by the engine compartment.
If someone has a photo less close to the probe, I will.

Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 12:16 PM
by Motronic
momo2ls wrote:I'll watch if possible by the engine compartment.
If someone has a photo less close to the probe, I will.

I have a wide shot of my probe. I will post it when I get home from work.

Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 12:20 PM
by indycar89
Motronic wrote:
I have a wide shot of my probe. I will post it when I get home from work.

Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 12:24 PM
by ahab
There are two different blower motors. If I recall from his other thread, the car in question does not have AC. demetk is talking about the blower in the engine compartment that is used for heat, and motronic is showing the resistor for the blower in the passenger cabin that blows when the AC button is pressed. I have never seen either resistor in person but I think you need to first figure out which blower you are talking about to figure out where the appropriate resistor is.
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 12:31 PM
by demetk
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 12:42 PM
by Motronic
whether he has air conditioning or not I will get a picture posted of both resistors. if he is lucky he will be able to reach around inside pull the old resistor out I will check that also when I get home.
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 1:38 PM
by ahab
I've never seen these resistors, aside from the photo above, so I'm looking forward to that. And hey, who doesn't love a good reach around!

Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 3:09 PM
by Motronic
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 3:16 PM
by indycar89
Motronic wrote:OK, After looking at a heater box I'd say you could be able to remove the heater blower and reach in there and pull the resistor forward toward the nose of the vehicle. It will slide off it's plastic mount pretty easy. Then you can manage to disconnect the leads and pull it out, it's worth the effort anyway. I'm not sure if anyone here has done this or not.

Great photos - wide view and all
What is on the other side of this piece? Is it the center top vent that exits through the top of the dash?
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 3:25 PM
by demetk
indycar89 wrote:What is on the other side of this piece? Is it the center top vent that exits through the top of the dash?
If you had to get to the a/c resistor do you think it would be possible to just grind the two rivets away and pull the resistor pack out of the eval box?
Then again when you look at the whole assembly, the vent motor is in the way.

Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 4:26 PM
by Motronic
To help you a little more I opened the shell to show you the position of the resistor a little better. This first shot is looking as you are viewing from the engine compartment. You can see the top where the blower cages sit.
The next 3 photos show how the resistor comes off the plastic mount.
See how you might be able to grasp the resistor reaching in through the top?
The last picture shows the mount itself and how it slides off then on. Maybe these pictures will help you do it by feel because you won't be able to see anything.

Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 5:29 PM
by jimoreno
I need to do this also. Already got a new resistor and a brand new Bosch motor. It looks like the best scenario is to pull it from the passenger side top inlet so you'll have the wire length to pull it out. I had saved some instructions on how to remove the fan cages from the motor shaft (it was for a Mercedes though) but lost it. It said to fill a bucket with hot water and "soak" the cages for a couple of minutes to soften and remove them. I lost the link when I lost my hard drive. I also got the E46 heater valve and will try to do it all so I don't freeze when I get on the highway!
Edit: Did a little bit of searching and found it! Here is the link to the page: ... orial.html It's an almost identical Bosch motor in a Mercedes R107.

Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 7:24 PM
by indycar89
Great - thanks you both for you efforts!
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 7:46 PM
by ElGuappo
These are some great photos of some really hard to get at parts.
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 8:14 PM
by tig
I have to do this on two cars. Thanks for the great pics.
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 14, 2015 11:08 PM
by ahab
Bravo Jim!! In all my years I've never seen that part of an E28 before. Excellent photos and info. Belongs in Tech FAQ for anyone who needs to go in that deep. In fact would be good to have as part of a comprehensive blower motor rehab how-to.
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 15, 2015 3:12 AM
by momo2ls

Great, just what I wanted. A huge thank you for your photographs!

Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 15, 2015 10:28 AM
by tig
Re-reading this again, sober, and I'm actually not encouraged at all. I might just sell Maytag rather than fix this.
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 15, 2015 11:47 AM
by demetk
cek wrote:Re-reading this again, sober, and I'm actually not encouraged at all. I might just sell Maytag rather than fix this.
Are you sure you're sober?
Re: E28 - Blower Motor Resistor Location ?
Posted: Jan 15, 2015 4:05 PM
by momo2ls