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Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Mar 11, 2014 11:12 AM
by briangelc
My searches have not turned up any results for replacing the weirdo size cigarette lighter with a standard size socket. Has anyone done this successfully?
None of my iPhone chargers stay put, and the plastic shim thingys break or get lost. HEEEELLLLPPP!!!!!!!

Posted: Mar 11, 2014 11:16 AM
by mooseheadm5
Roll up a thin brass shim to reduce the ID of the lighter socket. Done.

Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Aug 29, 2014 8:48 PM
by briangelc
Did that trick since 1986. Works fine as long as the thing you are plugging in is basically weightless, like a radar detector cord or charging plug.
But so much of what we plug in these days has....bulk.
My solution was to jumper wire a second plug, and mount it to the kick panel on passenger side. It firmly holds all the crap I put in it

Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Aug 31, 2014 2:29 PM
by Blue Shadow
Install the sockets you need in convenience locations in the car using the etm to source the kind of power you want.

There is a USB install in the blank next to the radio some have done. Some steal the flashlight socket for power.

Lots of ways to do this if you can't get the cigar lighter socket to play along.

Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Aug 31, 2014 9:22 PM
by foamy
in mine i have one installed in the blank to the right of the radio. i cut the cover to fit tightly around the top half and the lighter is on the bottom the part that screws on from the back holds it all together. the blank spot is just wide enough to hold it left to right its just too tall.

Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Sep 04, 2014 10:10 AM
by unt0uchable
Thanks for posting this! I need to fix mine as it broke on the way back from FL since I was using it so much.

I'd like the idea of relocating the socket and just placing the lighter in the original hole.

Can some of you post photos of your relocated lighter sockets?

Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Sep 05, 2014 7:32 AM
by foamy
here is mine. i know its got gaps in the corners but it could also easily be put back like i did nothing at all just by replacing the blank piece.


Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Sep 05, 2014 8:56 AM
by ahab
Nice work foamy. Next time take two blank covers and cut them at a radius, one for top and another for bottom and you wont have the gaps. You will have to glue them in place though so unless you're careful, reversibility could be questionable.

Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Sep 05, 2014 3:44 PM
by zerocool
Only so many of us can be a genius. The fix to all your problems is in the pic below:


what you really need is a dedicated dual USB port

Posted: Sep 05, 2014 5:19 PM
zerocool wrote:Only so many of us can be a genius. The fix to all your problems is in the pic below:

I especially like this, especially with the new 'loose pillow' look BMW tartan plaid upholstery, a real favorite of mine. Good Job! Maybe I'm not remembering it correctly, but I think there used to be a BMW connector with a lighter-socket that would connect to the flashlight connector in the glovebox. Assuming it's still available (who knows?) wouldn't doing that be faster and easier? Lastly, what about something like this, inside the ashtray? Easily do-able:


Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Sep 05, 2014 7:28 PM
by foamy
for me not everything i have is a usb end.

Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Sep 05, 2014 7:42 PM
by waynet1
zerocool wrote:Only so many of us can be a genius. The fix to all your problems is in the pic below:


This picture brings to mind a story that ahab told me just a week or so ago. :heehee:

Re: what you really need is a dedicated dual USB port

Posted: Sep 05, 2014 9:19 PM
by John in VA
BRRV wrote:Maybe I'm not remembering it correctly, but I think there used to be a BMW connector with a lighter-socket that would connect to the flashlight connector in the glovebox. Assuming it's still available (who knows?) wouldn't doing that be faster and easier?
That piece is NLA, and difficult to find & pricey. Even the newer style (doesn't work in the E28 as-is) has gone NLA and jumped from ~$10 to ridiculous (>$100).


Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Sep 05, 2014 10:50 PM
by ahab
zerocool wrote:Only so many of us can be a genius.
Yeah, better luck next life. That looks like shit. Truly.

Wayne, I thought we agreed you weren't gonna say anything ;) . At least the cigar lighter is fused...

Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Sep 05, 2014 10:59 PM
by waynet1
ahab wrote:
zerocool wrote:Only so many of us can be a genius.
Yeah, better luck next life. That looks like shit. Truly.

Wayne, I thought we agreed you weren't gonna say anything ;) . At least the cigar lighter is fused...

Re: Cigarette lighter replacement

Posted: Sep 05, 2014 11:02 PM
by demetk
You guys crack me up. :)