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M30 motor go fast parts - Race Car Part Out

Posted: Jan 30, 2013 6:44 PM
by mitchelllemons
We are parting out some of the stuff from the Lapping For Leukemia Lemons Car. ( All prices are + shipping and OBO. Remember, all money helps to get our car racing which raises money to support Leukemia Research.

1. Important parts to turbocharge your M30 motor. Manifold from Frank Fahey's personal turbo 633csi.

You'll get the exhaust manifold, all the gaskets that we have, BRAND NEW generic T04B 69 trim turbocharger with mounting flange, wastegate tube, and a BRAND NEW BEGi (Bell Engineering) Rising Rate Fuel Pressure Regulator stamped as built 06/2011. Turbo and FPR were over $800 and never installed.

$800 for everything.









2. Alternator for M30 motor. Working perfectly when removed.
$$ Make Offer



3. Oil Cooler Kit. Includes adapter block to sandwich between motor and oil filter. Everything works perfectly, except 1 of the hoses has a hole and needs to be replaced. All -AN fittings work with no leaks. Over $200 in fittings alone. (not all parts shown in pics, there are more)

$100 for the the parts and the cooler. Fits behind the grill on an e12.



Also available are many m30 engine parts that we have left over from the various m30's we've built for the race car. Let me know what you want and make an offer.

If you are interested in any parts, please email to Please don't PM me.



Bmw turbo

Posted: Jan 30, 2013 10:30 PM
by bmw635

Posted: Jan 30, 2013 10:37 PM
by mitchelllemons
Oil cooler is sold.

Posted: Jan 31, 2013 9:41 AM
by mitchelllemons
Oil cooler shipped.

Morning bump for the turbo kit :)

Posted: Jan 31, 2013 9:48 AM
by bsegalis
Just for the record, I emailed at 7:06 pm EST yesterday that I would take it and asked for paypal to make payment. I guess somebody was ahead of me...

Posted: Jan 31, 2013 9:52 AM
by mitchelllemons
bsegalis wrote:Just for the record, I emailed at 7:06 pm EST yesterday that I would take it and asked for paypal to make payment. I guess somebody was ahead of me...
I replied to the email that you just sent me. Hopefully it gets through to you. You were first in line, however, I sent approximately 6 emails to you last night and they were all rejected by your mail server.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of
its recipients. The following addresses failed:

<email removed for member's privacy>

SMTP error from remote server after RCPT command:
host companynameremovedformember'[IPaddressremovedformember'sprivacy]:
554 Denied [IPR] (Mode: normal)

I have used MXlogic in the past and they are terrible about rejecting legitimate emails. You might want to have a conversation with your IT dept about it.

Posted: Jan 31, 2013 10:07 AM
by bsegalis
Thanks. I let IT know. I am making them buy me an oil cooler.

Posted: Feb 01, 2013 1:21 PM
by mitchelllemons
Oil cooler shipped.

Morning bump for turbo kit. I'm willing to separate. Make me an offer.

Posted: Feb 03, 2013 10:42 AM
by mitchelllemons
Here's the specs on the turbo. I found them in my email that I had sent to the other drivers


Intake: 3 inch
Inlet: 2 inch
Compressor trim: .60ar
Compressor Wheel diameter: 58.40 /68.00
Turbine Wheel diameter: 64.20/73.20
Exhaust Trim: .69ar
Turbine flange type:T4 flange (CENTER HOUSING , TANGENTIAL HOUSING) Down pipe flange type: 4 bolt
Cooling type: oil cool only
Horsepower rating: 450+

Posted: Feb 03, 2013 4:30 PM
by RondoAcapriccio
where are you located?

Posted: Feb 03, 2013 4:32 PM
by mitchelllemons
San Diego

Posted: Feb 03, 2013 9:26 PM
by thrty8street
Sent you an email.

Posted: Feb 03, 2013 9:28 PM
by mitchelllemons
Turbo is sold. Manifold and rising rate fuel pressure regulator are still available.

Looking for $150 for begi fpr and $400 for turbo manifold.

Posted: Feb 03, 2013 9:36 PM
by thrty8street
Dammit I guess I was too late, had already sent you the payment.

Posted: Feb 03, 2013 9:37 PM
by mitchelllemons
It's sold to you.

Posted: Feb 05, 2013 11:47 PM
by mitchelllemons
Everything is sold except for the manifold and the alternator.

Next week I am going to go through some other parts and post them up, but for now, someone buy the manifold and alternator.

Posted: Feb 07, 2013 12:23 PM
by mitchelllemons

Posted: Feb 13, 2013 6:22 PM
by mitchelllemons
I'm back from the NADA expo. Bump for the turbo manifold. Also going to post up some more parts tonight.