stangkiller97 wrote:50° outside on January 5th. Normally all the snow would be melting but we have yet to have any accumulation this year. I was in my local mom and pop cafe last night and one of the old timers was saying that he can't ever remember a winter like this. My guess is we're going to get hammered in the next few weeks.
We've hit 60°F already today. January. In South Dakota. Go figure. I'm with you; once the weather turns, we're in for it, big time. But until such time...
I was on my way back to the office at the start of afternoon rush hour and saw this. I think his drivers side front wheel lifted off the ground when he gave it gas. I'm guessing it didn't end well...
Ate 4 kiwi fruit at lunch today, and afterwards my upper lip was bleeding. Wtf?! Seems its a common thing if you dont remove the skin prior to consuming. Odd. At least the BM will be all citrusey later. Or worse.
Karl Grau wrote:I was on my way back to the office at the start of afternoon rush hour and saw this. I think his drivers side front wheel lifted off the ground when he gave it gas. I'm guessing it didn't end well...
Do you mean that isn't common practice in Sandyeggo? It is in the True SD™.
What the heck was he hauling anyway? Looks like something you'd see in a 3rd world country...
When I was in high school my parents built a house on an acreage, and it was a couple of years until the rural water system was able to get a pipe near our house, so dad put a cistern in the ground in front of the house & just hauled his own water. He had a 500 gallon (I think) tank that fit in the bed of his '73 Chevy 1/2 ton with helper springs and whatnot on the rear axle; that thing would get a little light in the front when loaded. Scary light in the front. Popping a wheelie was very possible, but the one time I tried it the tank shifted back a bit and that scared the crap out of me. It had a chain across the back, but even so, that was enough of those shenanigans. The water sloshing around in there was more than enough to make a drive, um, interesting.
I followed a car load of dudes into a strip mall after a few "spirIted" bursts at the stop lights. They piled out of the car as soon as it stopped. They followed each other into the tanning place while I went into the homebrew shop. They beach is 6 minutes down the road and today was sunny and 67. WTF.
We had a spammer post to the board this morning using the handle "censor". I removed the posts, but I was amused by the notion that I, in effect, censored censor.
New dental hygenist. Very thorough. I think her middle name was "Let there be blood." But my teeth feel clean like the underside of Rod Paine's e28 looks.
If ever you find yourself in the shower after way too many tequila shots, move all your wife's shampoo bottles from that little seat in the corner. You can stumble backwards and be harmed in ways you won't soon forget.
Took my cat, Sabine(yes I chose the name after Sabine Schmitz), to the vet to be spayed, micro chipped, and given a rabies shot. She was not happy in the slightest.
Also started my second semester of community college today.
I suck at driving with my thumb. If God had meant for us to drive with a game controller he would've equipped cars that way. I wonder what would happen if somebody did that; drove a real car with a game controller that is. Mayhem.