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Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 26, 2014 10:11 PM
by tig
Had a coupon for HF and bought one of these little dollys.
Now tucked away until I decide what I want to do with it...with my growing collection of E28 stuff.
I hate painting things, but I guess I really gotta paint the steering box or it's just gonna look like shit.
Subframe reinforcement kit ordered from Ed. The nut/bolt was loose, but the welds still look fine. Once I get the reinforcement dowel welded in this goes to the powder coater.

Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 27, 2014 5:45 AM
by trevmmeister
It is uhh... 5:45 AM. I started reading this thread at about 11 PM. I have very much enjoyed that time.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 27, 2014 4:26 PM
by tig
Glad I could pleasure you.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 27, 2014 11:57 PM
by dsmith
I feel like I just did that over the weekend. Oh yea, cuz I did. Pulled it from the top. I couldn't be bothered with all of that powder coating and plating and such, though. Just cleaned everything and replaced seals, gaskets, hoses, shifter stuff etc. I have belts, radiator, driveshaft and exhaust left to install. Hopefully, will have my 533is running this weekend.
Keep up the good work! It's gonna be purteeeee!
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 28, 2014 9:56 AM
by Mike W.
Looks good! Yeah, sometimes doing an engine or the like I swear I spend more time cleaning and painting than I do wrenching. But in the future it's so much nicer dealing with clean parts not 30 years of grime and leaks and cosmoline and road grit.

Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 29, 2014 6:03 PM
by tn535i
Mike W. wrote:Looks good! Yeah, sometimes doing an engine or the like I swear I spend more time cleaning and painting than I do wrenching. But in the future it's so much nicer dealing with clean parts not 30 years of grime and leaks and cosmoline and road grit.

It seems like everything I do I spend more time hunting for tools and such, cleaning, overthinking, double checking, putting things back or sometimes NOT (which is why I spend so much time hunting), cleaning myself up, and so on... then I ever actually spend working on the thing itself.
Anyway, nice work and enjoy following the progress...
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 29, 2014 11:21 PM
by tig
Took the tranny to a local shop. They can't get the output/prop nut off. Claim they even soaked it with PB blaster and borrowed a 3/4" impact from next door after their 1/2" wouldn't do the trick.
Glad I didn't try it myself, but this basically means, i think that once this transmission runs out of steam...its done.
Is it typical for these to be next to impossible to take off? These guys come recommended by local BMW (e30) dudes so I have no choice but to believe them.
It was not leaking through rear seal so I'm not too bummed about this, but still...
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 29, 2014 11:52 PM
by Mike W.
There have been a couple of guys here that couldn't get that nut off. I've done a few and it was no big deal, maybe 100 foot pounds? Nothing, absolutely nothing like the nut on the front end of the crank. My only guess is salt and rust. Oh, while it is out I would emphatically replace the selector shaft seal. Those always seem to leak at 50K plus. The new technique, which I haven't tried yet, is to just pound the new one in on top of the old one. That's not really my style, but I can see where it might work better, the outer just has to stop what gets by the inner.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 30, 2014 2:58 AM
by wkohler
Just did my selector shaft seal in the 260/5 today while putting in my super old old old old old old old old old stock (asbestos lining) clutch. It seriously takes like 5 minutes to get the old one out with a pick and a screwdriver. Fixed. Done. Easy peasy. Never had a problem with the output flange, but it's easier to really put torque on it in the car. Same with the flange on the diff. We had a hell of a time getting the old pilot bearing out though. Wow.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 30, 2014 10:29 AM
by tig
Got this.
Now off to get it welded into place...
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 30, 2014 10:41 AM
by slammin_e28
Mike W. wrote:The new technique, which I haven't tried yet, is to just pound the new one in on top of the old one. That's not really my style, but I can see where it might work better, the outer just has to stop what gets by the inner.
Works like a cha-cha-charm. Did mine that way when I put the B35 in the touring. It was leaking badly too.
Fun part is when the new seal wears out and you have to get it out to replace it.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 30, 2014 2:04 PM
by vinceg101
Yeah, I too got a little clean-crazy this past weekend when doing the rear end replacement on the M535:

I couldn't put in all this new shiny stuff on top of all that grime, could I?

(Apologies for the less the desirable photo quality)
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 30, 2014 8:42 PM
by tig
Exciting stuff: Picked tranny up from shop. All seals but output shaft seal replaced.
Dropped subframe off a favorite muffler shop to have the re-enforcement dowel welded in. Should be ready Monday.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 30, 2014 9:41 PM
by foolish
I've used a plumbers torch on the output flange nut followed by impact gun with success. I think its easy enough to remove and replace a leaky seal rather than doubling em up. The car is looking super clean.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: May 31, 2014 1:52 PM
by tig
New brake bomb & hoses installed.

Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 01, 2014 12:15 AM
by Mike W.
foolish wrote:I've used a plumbers torch on the output flange nut followed by impact gun with success. I think its easy enough to remove and replace a leaky seal rather than doubling em up. The car is looking super clean.
The problem with that is if it's not successful you have now trashed the existing seal. I'd rather drill it and split it.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 01, 2014 3:40 PM
by tig
The flange on the bav auto headers is thinner than the original exhaust manifolds (about 9mm compared to ~15mm).
I plan on putting the headers on AFTER the engine is in the car, to ease installation (I'm also going to be putting the tranny on after).
Even if I weren't going to do this, several of the nuts are very challenging to get a wrench around.
I'd like to use shorter studs. The stock studs are M8 & 40mm long. Any issue with me using these 35mm studs from McMaster? Is stainless a good or bad idea for this?
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 01, 2014 5:21 PM
by muz
I would use the standard studs, stainless is not necessary however copper washers and nuts are: so as the nuts do not seize on the studs down the track. Shorter studs are fine but they need to be long enough so that all the thread of the nut is used.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 01, 2014 5:34 PM
by tig
muz wrote:I would use the standard studs, stainless is not necessary however copper washers and nuts are: so as the nuts do not seize on the studs down the track. Shorter studs are fine but they need to be long enough so that all the thread of the nut is used.
I've measured and taking 5mm off will still allow plenty of thread to still stick out of nut.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 01, 2014 5:55 PM
by tig
I got the steering box painted.
I will be taking my strut bar and subframe to be powder coated. I really want the strut bar to be the same aluminum as the intake manifold, but I want the subframe to be standard black. Once you pick a color the cost of additional pieces is small so I decided I would go ahead and coat a bunch of other stuff that I wasn't originally planning on.
This includes the alternator housing.
I figured if I took the alternator apart and something broke (since I don't know what I'm doing), it wouldn't be the end of the world as I still have the 115A unit that's been on the M30B34 from Vlad. I had to use an easy-out to get two of the small screws on the front cover off; they stripped immediately wen I tried removing them even though I had soaked them in PB blaster. Besides that the alternator came apart as expected.
After cleaning the housing with the soda blaster and the insides with parts cleaner and a scrub brush, I could see that all connections look strong and there's not a ton of wear.
I had some orange high-temp engine paint and decided the orange highlight, instead of the original rusty red, would look interesting, so i painted the outside of the stator. It's going to look pretty neat with the casing powder coated brilliant aluminum. It won't satisfy OCCoupe, but oh, well.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 02, 2014 8:56 PM
by tig
I now have everything I need for the trip to the powder coat place tomorrow...I hope.

Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 03, 2014 11:05 AM
by msam1911
I'm living my Zinno rebuild vicariously through this awesome thread - great inspiration! Question: You mentioned you wanted an exhaust with a different tone than the IE... Did you find it to be obnoxiously loud? My 535is somehow came with a single pipe exhaust so I need to replace it. I was between stock and IE, but I don't want my car to sound like somebody's Civic.
I appreciate your/everyone's input.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 03, 2014 11:20 AM
by tig
msam1911 wrote:I'm living my Zinno rebuild vicariously through this awesome thread - great inspiration! Question: You mentioned you wanted an exhaust with a different tone than the IE... Did you find it to be obnoxiously loud? My 535is somehow came with a single pipe exhaust so I need to replace it. I was between stock and IE, but I don't want my car to sound like somebody's Civic.
I appreciate your/everyone's input.
When I first installed the exhaust I loved it. Over time I realized what people meant by a drone at 2500 rpm. My goal is to get rid of the drone. The exhaust note is great. Not too loud.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 04, 2014 9:50 PM
by tig
I'm toying with different replacement firewall insulation options.
- Option 1: Try to find a replacement OE piece from a parts car. I am skeptical I can find something in good enough shape. But I'm looking.
- Option 2: The stuff below from JC Whitney. It's good good thickness, but the fact that it's fiber and not rubber concerns me a little. It will look great and will probably insulate just fine. But will it last?
- Option 3: I've found some, apparently, good neophene rubber that appears to be about the thickness of the OE rubber. Combining that with some insulation that's just the thin shiny/reflective aluminum might work.
Would love more opinions and thoughts from others on what they've done.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 07, 2014 6:05 AM
by muz
I think that the fibre insulation will be just fine, what about spraying it with black body deadener prior to application, this could be the glue to stick it on, mask up the shinny bit. I would experiment first.
I'm interested to know what you pay for powder coating. I was quoted $320 AU for rocker cover and inlet manifold. Seems excessive IMO.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 07, 2014 3:56 PM
by Crazy_Canuck
Do not use that fiber insulation, it will get wet and not dry out.
That fiber insulation, from JC Whitney, is ment to be used inside the car.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 08, 2014 5:13 AM
by slimdevil27
Look to the original purpose.....sound deadener and radiant heat reflector. Most sound deadeners, like dynamat, have the reflective facing. The printed name on the reflective surface will most often come off with green brake parts cleaner. Peel and stick, simple as that.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 09, 2014 10:57 PM
by trevmmeister
Moar updatz pleez cek. I am starting to lose interest in life due to lack of pictures of your engine/overall project.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 09, 2014 11:09 PM
by tig
My son graduating from high school has taken priority the last few weeks. But that is done.
We are now empty nesters and our kids are now simply house guests. Hahahaha.
Powder coater says parts will be ready tomorrow.
Re: Noob M30B35 Build. 2014-05-24: Engine is out!!!
Posted: Jun 09, 2014 11:49 PM
by trevmmeister
Oh awesome! Congratulations to him, I just graduated high school myself last month. Good to hear, where is the list of parts that are being coated again? Forget what page that was on.