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Posted: Apr 28, 2013 9:21 PM
by vinceg101
Jack Cavanaugh Clean Car Contest cleaning continuing, both afternoons this weekend and this is all I've got to show for it:
1. All door jambs, complete (I thought I had one of them done last time until I took a flashlight to it :facepalm: ).
2. Driver's side dash, door interior and carpet.

Who would have thought such a clean looking car can be so dirty.
(I can't feel my fingers, right now)

Posted: Apr 28, 2013 9:22 PM
by tig
Got tired of noticing how milky my headlights were.


A little isopropyl alcohol and a swab on the inside glass makes a huge difference. Can't help with the pitting though.

Wish I would have taken more before pics.



Posted: Apr 28, 2013 9:34 PM
by valley 535
Buffed, waxed, conditioned the leather and DROVE!!

Posted: Apr 28, 2013 10:03 PM
by 1st 5er
1/2 pint of Seafoam sucked into the intake later, Snob seems to have a new set of legs.

Posted: Apr 28, 2013 10:36 PM
by DangerWillRbnsn
Installed the BBS rear skirt, trimmed the crappy US trim pieces to fit, and re-painted it all black so it looks fresh. The skirt itself still needs painted, but I had to get it fitted.


Posted: Apr 28, 2013 11:55 PM
by Jake D
Moved it out of the garage so I could work on my e24. :x

Posted: Apr 29, 2013 8:04 AM
by Phatbus
SOOOO glad I did the valve adjustment. The rear banjo bolt to the oil tube was out and sitting in one of the drain holes in the head. one crush washer is missing...hopefully in the oil pan. Also installed the 4 pintle injectors from Mike. It is amazing how fast the computer adjusts to anything new. After a lot of smoke and a couple miles it is running silky smooth.

Posted: Apr 29, 2013 8:10 AM
by unt0uchable
DangerWillRbnsn wrote:Installed the BBS rear skirt, trimmed the crappy US trim pieces to fit, and re-painted it all black so it looks fresh. The skirt itself still needs painted, but I had to get it fitted.

Looks good! I'm diggin' the color on those m-systems, or is it the lighting?

Nothing will ever replace these though!!! :alright:

Posted: Apr 29, 2013 10:50 AM
by DangerWillRbnsn
unt0uchable wrote:
DangerWillRbnsn wrote:Installed the BBS rear skirt, trimmed the crappy US trim pieces to fit, and re-painted it all black so it looks fresh. The skirt itself still needs painted, but I had to get it fitted.

Looks good! I'm diggin' the color on those m-systems, or is it the lighting?

Nothing will ever replace these though!!! :alright:
Thanks David! That BBS rear added what seemed to be missing from the rear, IMO. The M-systems have a pretty amazing color as well, a graphite color of sorts - it's a bit dark for my liking, but they are so perfectly refinished that it's tough for me to re-do them again.

I don't know if you saw, but I DID recover the staggered style 5's. They're sitting back in the spare bedroom awaiting a refinish before I remount them. The thief did some damage to them, and they are less than perfect now.

Posted: Apr 29, 2013 11:24 AM
by unt0uchable
DangerWillRbnsn wrote: Thanks David! That BBS rear added what seemed to be missing from the rear, IMO. The M-systems have a pretty amazing color as well, a graphite color of sorts - it's a bit dark for my liking, but they are so perfectly refinished that it's tough for me to re-do them again.

I don't know if you saw, but I DID recover the staggered style 5's. They're sitting back in the spare bedroom awaiting a refinish before I remount them. The thief did some damage to them, and they are less than perfect now.
I did see that (Is that garage in the background the one where the story went down?! lol)
I guess I should have reworded that better. Nothing will ever look as good as those....
Are you planning on keeping the same scheme as before whenever you can get around to refinishing them...again?

Oh, and I definitely agree, there should have been something on the rear of all of these cars in addition to the apron, especially the ones with the IS front air dams. They just look unfinished back there and it may have even made the US bumpers (a little) more attractive.

Posted: Apr 29, 2013 1:44 PM
by Samrsnow
This was yesterday but I really wanted to post this. I went to The Lakefront meet yesterday, had a ton of fun and hung out with some cool dudes and their cars.

Repped MYe28 well



Posted: May 05, 2013 10:50 PM
by 1st 5er
It took 3 1/2 years, but...




Posted: May 06, 2013 2:15 AM
by geordi
started taking apart the Euro bumpers, cleaned the rubber bumper strips and prepped the grills.


Posted: May 06, 2013 2:22 AM
by tig
Started a full exterior detail.

Got the car masked off, taillights and other trim removed, clay barred, and started machine polishing. I'm about 1/3 done.


Oh, and I bought a M30B35 too.


Posted: May 06, 2013 9:36 AM
by shagrath
Shadowlined the rear bumper and installed e32 leather e brake boot.

This week: VR1 oil change, repaint the driver side door trim. Fix the ABS harness wiring.

Posted: May 06, 2013 10:06 AM
by unt0uchable
shagrath wrote:Shadowlined the rear bumper and installed e32 leather e brake boot.

This week: VR1 oil change, repaint the driver side door trim. Fix the ABS harness wiring.
Pics or didn't happen. ;)

This weekend was oh so eventful for myself. Found a fuel leak at the inline pump. Replaced some hose, clamps, fuel filter. Still leaks. Son of bitch. Looking for a new pump as I think it's leaking out one of the posts or something. Also tracked down a bad ground situation under the hood. Replaced the passenger side chassis to motor mount ground strap with a nice 4ga wire. Cleaned up the battery ground too. I need to find a better spot for the valve cover ground.

Pics, cuz it happened. :D

Posted: May 06, 2013 10:40 AM
by shagrath
unt0uchable wrote:
shagrath wrote:Shadowlined the rear bumper and installed e32 leather e brake boot.

This week: VR1 oil change, repaint the driver side door trim. Fix the ABS harness wiring.
Pics or didn't happen. ;)

This weekend was oh so eventful for myself. Found a fuel leak at the inline pump. Replaced some hose, clamps, fuel filter. Still leaks. Son of bitch. Looking for a new pump as I think it's leaking out one of the posts or something. Also tracked down a bad ground situation under the hood. Replaced the passenger side chassis to motor mount ground strap with a nice 4ga wire. Cleaned up the battery ground too. I need to find a better spot for the valve cover ground.

Pics, cuz it happened. :D
The paint I used for the bumper was a bit inferior, so it looks , meh. Crappy. I'm going to lipo it so it looks better.

The horsehair e brake console looked like blue waffle. Unfortunately the e32 leather boot didn't exactly install like I had hope so there is some gaps. Looks like loose horse-screwed hooker. Better than blue waffle I guess.

Posted: May 07, 2013 7:54 AM
by shagrath
Showed with powdered fluid last night.





How she sits as of last night.

Not happy with it, but it will be dealt with when I get the seats refurbished with new leather. Still better than nasty beat horse hair.

Posted: May 08, 2013 12:32 AM
by davintosh
Moved it, from the street to the neighbor's driveway, on security detail.

The neighbor, Ruth, and her late hubby Maurie were the first ones to buy a lot in the neighborhood, and started building their house in 1948. Maurie passed away a few years back, and Ruth fell and broke her hip last winter; she's 94. After getting her hip pinned, she and her kids decided it was time for assisted living, so the house is going up for sale soon. One of her daughters recently bought a boat -- it's a beauty -- and they decided to park it in Ruth's driveway until they can get it up to the lake. Last weekend though, there were three boats stolen from different places around town. The daughter (and her hubby) were afraid someone might try to make off with their boat, so they had started leaving a car between the boat and the street to discourage opportunistic thieves. She mentioned that to me tonight, so I offered to put my car there, as it doesn't get driven much.

So, the e28 is on security detail, standing guard over a boat. :D

Posted: May 08, 2013 9:52 AM
by RAB71
So after removing the ugly bumper up front I had no marker/blinker lights. So I made some modificartions to the front valance. What ya think? (loaded question I'm sure)


Posted: May 11, 2013 10:08 AM
by e28Sean
It's the little things in life...



Posted: May 16, 2013 9:43 PM
by rmiddendorf
Drove him back from the detail. After getting in the car I tried to adjust the seat but it only went up in front and back and forward. Down and backwards weren't options. So after struggling with it for a minute I did what any of us would do. Pulled the switches at a stop light. But I couldn't get it done before the light turned green so I pulled off. Checked the fuse in the fusebox which I knew was fine because the other items on that one circuit still worked. But by this point my driving position is, well, not ideal. I'm a little scrunched. D'oh!

So I drove to get dinner and then home to swap out the control boxes. I pull the passenger one first- knowing it worked- and went to the driver's side. It has a fuse. And its blown. So only one has a fuse? The passenger one didn't at least have the same fuse system. Well we scour the neighbors for a spare fuse and manage to get one from a neighbor three doors down- thanks Doug! Pop the new one in and Voila!, everything worked! So I reassembled everything and all is well again.

Well then I washed him off. There was a shower out there this afternoon and the rain was all splotchy so I wanted to clean off the icky rain.

Posted: May 21, 2013 11:07 AM
by Hunter has a Bimmer3
I havent owned an e28 in 6 years. :cry:

Posted: May 21, 2013 11:37 AM
by shagrath
Repainted the driver side door moldings.

Posted: May 21, 2013 2:36 PM
by Phatbus
Water pump and wheel bearing. WHY can't all bearings be that easy? I spend 2 hours wresling with an E30 bearing and the E28 just slid off and the new one slid back on again. I really was amazed that it was that easy because it is my least favorite job.

Posted: May 22, 2013 5:48 PM
by tig
Cleaned my B35





Posted: May 23, 2013 10:27 AM
by MicahO
New Old Stock! Finally used the NOS wheels I got via DPP a while back, with some new Conti DW's. Only pics so far are without the caps. I *do* love brand new parts that say "Made in W. Germany." :D


Posted: May 23, 2013 10:30 AM
by shagrath
Drove it to work. WIll head to NC later.

Posted: May 23, 2013 1:42 PM
by Phatbus
cek wrote:Cleaned my B35




Man I will have a shop this nice one day...probably not till I'm ~70 though.

Posted: May 24, 2013 1:18 PM
by davintosh
Figured out the idle issue with it this morning; broken wire on the ICV. :facepalm:
Never thought to check that before because the issue popped up as I was driving it one day. Strangely enough, I was talking with Sherman when it happened. :dunno:

This weekend I'll spend some quality time spiffing up the M20B25 in preparation for The Swap®. Looking forward to it. :cool: