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Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 09, 2015 6:12 PM
by tig
John SCB wrote:
Jeremy wrote:Did someone "Reply All" yet again?
In my former life, an "acting manager" typed a full page incident report into the subject line of an email. You should have seen some of the replies...
Bedlam! ... 09626.aspx

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 09, 2015 6:14 PM
by Karl Grau
My battery isn't going to make it til 4:30.


Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 10, 2015 12:54 AM
by Mike W.
Jeremy wrote:Did someone "Reply All" yet again?
Ah yes, I remember when... The county would send out a county wide (employees) email saying something like your lights are on. Half a dozen people would have an auto reply/all and it would bounce around for a while. IT must have hated it, but it was their fault they didn't have a way to stop it. Was funny to watch though. :laugh:

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 10, 2015 7:04 PM
by WilNJ

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 10, 2015 7:04 PM
by WilNJ
Duplicate post.

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 10, 2015 7:23 PM
by Karl Grau
Your project? Congrats on topping out (it looks too cold to be working though ;) ).

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 10, 2015 7:32 PM
by WilNJ
Yep and yep. I'm the super so I can find a reason to go back to the office trailer occasionally. The raising gang's foreman insists its worse when you're warmed up and then go back to work so while his crew takes their coffee and lunch in their trailer he sits on piece of steel, takes out his thermos and enjoys his 15 minutes of peace. That includes Thursday when we started the day at 9 degrees F.

After a day or so of that, 20 feels balmy.

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 14, 2015 12:19 PM
by MicahO

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 14, 2015 12:36 PM
by davintosh
MicahO wrote:I so hope this is true - ... picks=true
And she's close buds with one Hattori Hanzo.


You must have big rats.

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 14, 2015 1:10 PM
by davintosh
Last night at dinner, my 16 year old son was talking about a video he had watched on YouTube, of some guy playing a video game where the player is a slice of bread and the goal is to get the bread into a toaster, by controlling the bread. I said, "So, let me get this straight; not only did some guy dream up a game about a slice of bread struggling to get into a toaster under its own power, he actually took the time to create it. Then someone not only took the time to play the game, but also to record the game play and post it on YouTube. And then you took the time to watch that."

:facepalm: His mother and I are so proud.

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 17, 2015 6:01 PM
by WilNJ
Waiting for the last week to complete 30 hours of credential maintenance when you could have spread it over 2 years sssssssuuuuuuuuuuuucccckkkksssss.

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 17, 2015 6:45 PM
by Karl Grau
I don't know if this is just a Southern California thing but I'm always getting these bags weighted with gravel thrown in my driveway. They're from gardeners that are too lazy to walk door to door to leave their flyers. I don't know why it bugs me so much but I think I'm going to call 'ol Nang and have him come and give me an estimate for some 'gravel removal'.


Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 17, 2015 10:18 PM
by Mark 88/M5 Houston
Karl Grau wrote:I don't know if this is just a Southern California thing but I'm always getting these bags weighted with gravel thrown in my driveway. They're from gardeners that are too lazy to walk door to door to leave their flyers. I don't know why it bugs me so much but I think I'm going to call 'ol Nang and have him come and give me an estimate for some 'gravel removal'.

I've found a few of those on my drive in the last year. Does that say something about my lawncare practices?

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 18, 2015 1:20 AM
by oldskool
I Broke Bad teaching a tennis clinic today.
I've never run so much in my life while trying to save the little's egos.
I was firm and harsh, while making great strides with this one little fat girl.

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 18, 2015 12:52 PM
by WilNJ
WilNJ wrote:Waiting for the last week to complete 30 hours of credential maintenance when you could have spread it over 2 years sssssssuuuuuuuuuuuucccckkkksssss.
Done. I'm sure I'll be back on this same weekend 2 years from now.

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 20, 2015 4:14 PM
by davintosh
And to think I just threw out an old set of cut springs...


When I first saw the pic it looked like the tubing telescoped over a smaller tube so they would have some bounce to them, but the spring is just there for decorative purposes. That wouldn't be a difficult thing to do, but the only thing that might accomplish is to make them noisy. Still, very cool design. ... de-tables/

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 20, 2015 6:57 PM
by Jeremy
If your butt can compress an automotive spring any significant amount, you SERIOUSLY need to lose some weight.

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 20, 2015 10:20 PM
by Mike W.
Jeremy wrote:If your butt can compress an automotive spring any significant amount, you SERIOUSLY need to lose some weight.
:laugh: That was my first thought. But IIRC Devinders spring chart showed rates for stock springs at around 200 pounds per inch, so a 200 pound guy would get an inch without any bounce. A surprising amount really. :dunno:

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 20, 2015 11:16 PM
by davintosh
The guy who did the Instructable said the springs came from a VW, and was surprised at how little pressure it took to compress them; that's why he put the post in the middle.

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 21, 2015 12:03 AM
by Mike W.
Juggling cars a couple of weeks ago now after the new E39 touring purchase I left the E36 parked at work outside overnight. I noticed when I got it home I had a flat on the right front. Aired it up and looked at it the next day. And the next. Now, 2+ weeks later it's still fine. I'd think prank, but the valve stem cap was still on there and I wouldn't have thought a prankster would have replaced it. :dunno: But why hasn't it lost air? :dunno:

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 22, 2015 4:53 PM
by Karl Grau
I thought it was a lawn ornament and then it winked at me.


Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 24, 2015 12:25 PM
by tig

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 25, 2015 12:03 PM
by tig

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 25, 2015 5:40 PM
by davintosh
"Dear Kitten: You've probably noticed these strange metal cylinders. It seems to be a device that the humans use to suck out their intelligence."


Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 29, 2015 3:43 PM
by Mike W.
After coming back from Dave's memorial Saturday I said to my wife, if I go before you do and you have one of those for me, I want upbeat, major key, rock and roll music. None of that slow, sad, minor key music like the keyboard player today. Yeah, it's traditional and all, but not for me.

No insult or slight meant to Dave or his sister, I'm just saying what I want! :D

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 29, 2015 4:40 PM
by waynet1
Slackline walking. :shock:
Scroll down for the video once there. ... known.html

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Jan 30, 2015 4:23 PM
by 2 5's and a 7
Since my Daughter is 13 I listen to music I don't want to hear......Megan Trainor (not the worst) but I'm considering sueing her.......My line as always been "I know you lie because your lips are moving...." hmmmm :laugh:

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Feb 04, 2015 11:55 PM
by davintosh

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Feb 05, 2015 6:16 PM
by Jeremy
:laugh: Definitely some pro tips there :up:

Re: The Thread of Randomness. . .

Posted: Feb 11, 2015 7:11 PM
by tig
TIL: People who throw In randomly upper Cased words in posts are not assholes. And they Represent half of the mye28 Members.