My wife has let me know in no-uncertain-terms that I may not refer to this car as Caitlyn in public. I'd rather be married than right, so that was fun while it lasted. Once Vlad, always Vlad.
Any-who, no big updates other than a great trip to 5erWest where Vlad won best of show (!). Oh, and that the car is now on a transporter on the way to Utah.
Right before the trip to 5erWest I decided I'd had enough of a big sweeping scratch in the hood that resulted from a piece of metal stuck in a micro-fiber cloth. This is why I now NEVER USE MICRO-FIBER CLOTHS MORE THAN ONCE when detailing. At $27 for a pack of 36 from Amazon, I treat them as disposable. I put the new ones in the wash with cold water and lightly dry. Then I put them away with the tags still on them. When I use one, I rip the tag off (tags can leave marks in paint too, I've found) and use it. When done, it goes in the wash pile. Old washed cloths (no tags) go in the 'rag' drawer where they can be used for other things. Any cloth that has been near metal filings gets thrown away immediately.
Ugh. That's pretty deep. But there is a metric shit ton of paint on Vlad's hood, so I was confident I could get this out.
Out came my trusty Flex DA and a new batch of Menzerna polishes. I first did the whole hood with a pass with medium cut and a pass of polish to make sure I could see things well. Then I masked off the bad spot and wet sanded it with 3000 grit.
After a set of polishing steps...done.
Except, by the time I was "Done" I had lost the natural sunlight and was rushed. So I didn't notice that the left front quarter had not actually gotten polished well enough with fine polish. Once I got to Portland in the sun I noticed how crappy it looked. I begged others to look closely and notice too, but they all just rolled their eyes. Weirdos.
Vince came into Seattle to drive Vlad down to 5erWest. I went for a ride with him the evening before to make sure he could drive. He can.
He helped me with the worst E28 job: Putting the driver's kick panel back on. Nobody likes doing this job on an E28. It sucks. Every time. But with two experienced folk doing it, this time wasn't so bad. Thanks Vince.
Here he is ensuring Vlad only gets Ethanol free gas.
Some pics from the drive down:
BMW drivers always follow directions. I'm sure the Clakamas Inn folk really appreciate us.
Yay! Thanks for all who helped me stuff the ballot.
Vince reported, and I confirmed, the clutch pedal getting progressively squishier as the 5erDrive proceeded. It wasn't great before the trip started and by the time we got back to Seattle it was pretty bad. I had just replaced the master and slave, and then ripped off the SS slave line because it was the cause of the pedal buzz. Theory was I hadn't bled it well enough.
I subsequently tried bleeding it myself a few times but am obviously an idiot because even after following EVERYONE's advice, from Kyle, to Aaron, to Bentley, and using all the tools, something still wasn't right.
George and Ramona came to visit a few weeks back and that coincided with the only real time I've had to wrench. So George helped me bleed the cluch again, and this time it came out pretty good. But not perfect. I think the master I bought is bad. And my over-center spring may be fudged. I'm going to deal with it later.
The reality is I've not driven THAT many E28s. So I forced George to drive Vlad and tell me what he thought. He said good things, mostly.

Last week while I was traveling, Julie took care of getting Vlad on the transporter to his new home in Salt Lake City. That place has no idea what's coming.
I'll report in once we're in Utah together...