TurboChris wrote:
What are the "tiebacks" that you're referring too?
The seat bottoms are pulled down to the seat springs to create a depression that forms the seat. Same with the back seats. To do it right Jims should sew in a leather loop on the back side as they run the twin row stitch. This loop can then be used to tie on a heavy cord and pulled tight to the springs. Pretty common stuff for upholstery guys.
TurboChris wrote:They give estimates freely over the phone. They quoted me $1400 for the front and back seats leather, including headrests. She estimated $40-50 for the e brake handle but wants to see the door armrests and lower door panel before she quotes them. Price is the same whether they R&R the seats out of the car or you bring them in.
Interesting, I was quoted $1500 locally for the manual sport seats and rear seat in tweed for my 745.
Chris just a suggestion; but you may want to replace your seat belt receptacles if you already haven't . The release button usually gets beat up and faded. I replaced mine and I'm glad I did. I was able to source them for under $50.00 each, makes a big difference to the finished product.
Funny you mention that....that was one of the first things I planned to do when I first picked up the car....looked on ebay and new oem's are $90 each....where did you find them for $50?
TurboChris wrote:Funny you mention that....that was one of the first things I planned to do when I first picked up the car....looked on ebay and new oem's are $90 each....where did you find them for $50?
Not at all, the price at tisher is a couple bucks less than what I paid...so anyone can get as good a deal. But I didn't have to wait...just went and picked them up...that was the advantage for me.
desmofan wrote:
TurboChris wrote:Plus $15 shipping, so my deal was still solid
Right, but I don't think everyone will be able to "score a set".
I just got home a little while ago, I couldn't be happier with the quality of the install. Everything looks good as far as I can tell. Now I just need to dye the E brake handle and the armrests on the door and the interior is done. Very nice
Awesome job !.... I really like Jim's work but, and I'm not being negative here.., but why can't they pay more attention to the puckers, wrinkles and seams ? Other then the hyper critical stuff that catches my eye they did a really nice job.
Can I ask that you send me a pic of the underside of the headrest. I'd like to see how they finished the cut-outs for the frame bars.
wkohler wrote:Hey Phil, you have to give the leather a couple of weeks to tighten up. It's not fair to criticize a freshly done job in those respects.
Chris is correct, I just had my seats refinished and I noticed that almost all surfaces had a little extra material, I went to the SoCal Vintage where the car sat in the sun for several hours and most all of the loose leather tightened up and now fits superbly. I think this was very intentional.