Glad to see some progress. Keep it up!

Xenocide wrote:You're a braver man than I. I honestly would rather hack that harness for connectors and splice em in to one of these puppies. That harness gives me nightmares just thinking about it.
Glad to see some progress. Keep it up!
davintosh wrote:
That is one massive engine/transmission. So if you're doing all OEM electronics, that means you're sticking with the slushbox too? Having three pedals under the dash would add a lot of complexity to the job, and expense.
What'cha doing with the wheels from that car? I like the look of those wheels on an e32. Too bad you're so far away...
sbeckman7 wrote:It's actually going to end up in front of the g265 I got with my e28 parts car. Since I already have it, won't add too much expenses to the project, just time and complexity since the car is wired not to run without feed from the transmission.
Ah, that's not as bad as I thought then. I've seen some of the honda guys go crazy trying to get their 6 cylinder engines work with a manual transmission. They make whole brain boxes for it. Even with the purpose built hardware I've seen some guys turn their ECMs into paperweights.sbeckman7 wrote:We're talking disconnecting two wires from the tranny and connecting them somewhere else. I'm probably making it sound more intense than it is
Xenocide wrote:Ah, that's not as bad as I thought then. I've seen some of the honda guys go crazy trying to get their 6 cylinder engines work with a manual transmission. They make whole brain boxes for it. Even with the purpose built hardware I've seen some guys turn their ECMs into paperweights.sbeckman7 wrote:We're talking disconnecting two wires from the tranny and connecting them somewhere else. I'm probably making it sound more intense than it is
Aside from the crank pulley, I have designed the chassis to accommodate the entire engine behind the front axle. My weight distribution should be bang on.mtnman533 wrote:That is a massive engine. That's a lot of weight to be sitting on that front end, how are you going to balance the car?
Seriously awesome work, sounds like you have a good plan to make that engine work outside its comfort zone.
Ok sweet, so like a Caterham it'll be mid-front engined, very cool!sbeckman7 wrote:Aside from the crank pulley, I have designed the chassis to accommodate the entire engine behind the front axle. My weight distribution should be bang on.mtnman533 wrote:That is a massive engine. That's a lot of weight to be sitting on that front end, how are you going to balance the car?
Seriously awesome work, sounds like you have a good plan to make that engine work outside its comfort zone.
Almost forgot to mention I picked up something useful yesterday from the pick and pull: a power steering rack out of an e36 325i!
220 mph speedo? Are you gonna put a huge Pep Boys wing on the back and some neon lights, too? Even if it's possible, theoretically, to do 200 mph in that thing, you never will. There is no track where you will break 155 mph, and it will have all the aerodynamics of a brick. Worse, it will probably be very unstable north of 140-150 mph. I'm not trying to be harsh, but you're using a 1950s-inspired body shape with no aero development whatsoever and eyeballing an attractive form. For a home-brew car, that's absolutely great, but don't expect it to be drivable at 150+, and don't expect it to accelerate well past 110 mph. At 100+, acceleration has nothing to do with power-to-weight and everything to do with power-to-drag. Look at a Caterham, weighs less than a chimp's nutsack and can't break 120 on a long straight.sbeckman7 wrote:
Worked out pricing for a set of (7) VDO gauges. Includes 220mph speedo (the next smallest was 160 and that's not happening), 7k tach, oil temp, oil pressure, water temp, fuel, and clock. Don't need a voltage display as the OBC can do that, and I don't really need the clock but its 30 bucks and looks nice.
Tammer in Philly wrote:220 mph speedo? Are you gonna put a huge Pep Boys wing on the back and some neon lights, too? Even if it's possible, theoretically, to do 200 mph in that thing, you never will. There is no track where you will break 155 mph, and it will have all the aerodynamics of a brick. Worse, it will probably be very unstable north of 140-150 mph. I'm not trying to be harsh, but you're using a 1950s-inspired body shape with no aero development whatsoever and eyeballing an attractive form. For a home-brew car, that's absolutely great, but don't expect it to be drivable at 150+, and don't expect it to accelerate well past 110 mph. At 100+, acceleration has nothing to do with power-to-weight and everything to do with power-to-drag. Look at a Caterham, weighs less than a chimp's nutsack and can't break 120 on a long straight.sbeckman7 wrote:
Worked out pricing for a set of (7) VDO gauges. Includes 220mph speedo (the next smallest was 160 and that's not happening), 7k tach, oil temp, oil pressure, water temp, fuel, and clock. Don't need a voltage display as the OBC can do that, and I don't really need the clock but its 30 bucks and looks nice.
With a 160-mph speedo, the gradations will actually be visible at a glance. A 220-mph speedo is just antlers. Ditch it.
Also, you're keeping the OBC? Why have all that wiring? Oil pressure, oil temp, water temp, voltage--that's all you need to know about the engine. Maybe EGTs or AFRs if you want to get crazy, but without boost it's not too critical. If you're running factory engine harness, then the OBC is no big deal, but if you ever move to standalone you should ditch it, too.
BTW, I'm thrilled that you're still making progress and I want you to hurry up and get the engine mounted!
266 LBS
1-3/4" X 1-3/4" X .120 WA X 240.0000"
100 FT
100 FT @
2.7400 FT
20.0000 LOT
177 LBS
1-1/2 OD X .120W 1.260 ID X 240.0000"
100 FT
100 FT @
2.7900 FT
20.0000 LOT