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1988 BMW (E-28) M-5 For Sale

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1988 BMW (E-28) M-5 For Sale

Post by CrazyIvan »

Must Sell
Asking $18,000
Photos available on zoints
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Post by wkohler »

Wow, you're looking to make a lot on that $1200 car. Good luck.

Would it kill you to post a link to the photos? How about tell a little bit about the car?
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Post by bigdaddy »

Is this fellow really trying to flip a car that he paid $1200 for?

If so, that's astounding...
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Post by grahamular »

The possibility of making a profit on a car isn't permitted now in the For Sale section? I'm surprised anyone posts anything for sale here anymore.

But if you're looking for pictures, I believe they are here http://crazyivan.zoints.com/album
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Post by wkohler »

I hope he gets the $18k. I was serious when I wished him luck. That just will help values of the cars. Hopefully, this car is good enough to sell at that price. My problem is that he doesn't write anything about it.

I should probably say I'm not an interested buyer.
The Baron
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Post by The Baron »

Am I missing something here?

Just from looking at the photos, it looks like you should be able to get TWO of that same car for $18k.

It's a very nice car, for sure.

But $18k?!?!?!?!?! :shock:
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Post by runningpanda »

Could someone post a link to the pics? I have no clue what zoints is...
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Post by efreak »

Since this guy is to lazy to write about his own car here you go:

1988 BMW M5
Black on Black
5 speed manual
152,612 miles
Blankput stereo
Good condition interior with exception of cracked dash
Good condition exterior
Stock wheels
M stripe down the sides
Front stress bar
Cheesy engine paint job

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Post by runningpanda »

mmmm 18k.....I agree 2 of the same car for that maybe, but one for 18k? Does it have some sort of Pimp my ride suprise in the trunk worth 10k?
Oh and I realized the link is here already, my bad.
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Post by 2ndeagle »

Good luck with your sale. However, I think a good interior detail would go a long way to achieving your goal. :)
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the interior

Post by alpinass »

is filthy...he didn't bother to vaccum, stain on the rear carpet behind passenger seat. Leather needs a good conditioning.
I saw rust of something unknown in passenger front door hinged area----that is that?
Was this S38 rebuilt - documentation? THis looks to be a 10K car. Good Luck sling'in this ///M.
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Post by Duke »

I'll give you $3,800 for it. That's a $14,200 deduction for a nasty dirty car with unknown maintenance and a engine compartment that needs a 100% face-lift.
Last edited by Duke on Jan 03, 2008 7:11 PM, edited 2 times in total.
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car flippin

Post by bigdaddy »

no problem w/ anyone makin a buck or two...I'm just amazed that anyone could pay $1200 for a car and within a relatively short time frame (my assumption), turn it into something worth anywhere near 18K.....

I can only think of 3 possibilities:
1- a heck of a restoration took place (and quickly)
2- the car was purchased at a steal of a price
3 - the market for these cars is going amazingly fast

I wonder what it could be....
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Re: car flippin

Post by Duke »

bigdaddy wrote:..I'm just amazed that anyone could pay $1200 for a car and within a relatively short time frame (my assumption), turn it into something worth anywhere near 18K.....
I paid $175 for my M535i and sold it for $20K. It only took years, 100's of man hours and a $10K+ loss :laugh:
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Post by bigdaddy »

yep....that's my point....

without some degree of explaination, the info at hand casts some doubt on whether this car is really worthy of this price range....not saying it isn't, but .....
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Post by cdevine »

That car is garbage. I sold a completely documented and well cared for e28 m5 last year for 11k. He won't get 7k for that car.
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Post by runningpanda »

I mean...I think this guy deserves a little more respect than say it's worthless garbage...I do like the exterior....Even though it's just a little unreasonable to think he can get 18k, we shouldn't be saying his car is that bad. It definitely isn't worth 18k but it's not a worthless piece of garbage. It's a BMW right? ;)
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MyE28 For Sale Thread Rules

Post by Justin_FL »

runningpanda wrote:I mean...I think this guy deserves a little more respect than say it's worthless garbage......we shouldn't be saying his car is that bad. It's a BMW right? ;)
Well, that would be a bad assumption and makes too much sense. I see you are fairly new, so please familiarize yourself:
  • Rules of MyE28.com For Sale Threads
    1. Poke fun at a seller asking a higher price than I think my own car is worth. Every E28 can be bought for $500*.
    2. Even if I don't know a god-damn thing about the car, I'll throw in my own 2 cents just because I can. After all, I have RIGHTS to FREE SPEECH. This is the USA. Whoooooo!
    3. Comment on anything you don't like; poke more fun at seller
    4. Try not to offer constructive criticism. It's not always hip to be nice amongst your buddies.
This is far from the worst thread that I've seen, but INTERESTED parties should contact the seller instead of reading the speculation here. Does the F/S post generally suck and need more details? Yes. But let's be nice. That is all.

*Yes, I do know that some nice E28s CAN be bought for $500 and those folks get a great deal
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Re: MyE28 For Sale Thread Rules

Post by rlomba8204 »

Justin_FL wrote:
runningpanda wrote:I mean...I think this guy deserves a little more respect than say it's worthless garbage......we shouldn't be saying his car is that bad. It's a BMW right? ;)
Well, that would be a bad assumption and makes too much sense. I see you are fairly new, so please familiarize yourself:
  • Rules of MyE28.com For Sale Threads
    1. Poke fun at a seller asking a higher price than I think my own car is worth. Every E28 can be bought for $500*.
    2. Even if I don't know a god-damn thing about the car, I'll throw in my own 2 cents just because I can. After all, I have RIGHTS to FREE SPEECH. This is the USA. Whoooooo!
    3. Comment on anything you don't like; poke more fun at seller
    4. Try not to offer constructive criticism. It's not always hip to be nice amongst your buddies.
This is far from the worst thread that I've seen, but INTERESTED parties should contact the seller instead of reading the speculation here. Does the F/S post generally suck and need more details? Yes. But let's be nice. That is all.

*Yes, I do know that some nice E28s CAN be bought for $500 and those folks get a great deal
Here, here. :beer:

Guys, the amazing thing about the market is that soon enough our seller will know if he is right about his price. If no one appears at $18k, that will speak far louder than any snide comments here. And if someone does appear, well, then, more power to them.
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Post by stuartinmn »

I'm reminded of the instructions that are posted in the For Sale section of another board I frequent:

Stay out of the Classifieds, even if you think that your 'expert advice' on the classic car market is needed there.

All of these so-called experts seem to think they're doing the hobby a service by spreading their vast knowledge and wisdom in the classifieds.

The abuse of sellers has been so rampant here that everyone thinks that 'bagging' on everything they happen to see for sale is cool.

Not cool anymore.

Leave the sellers alone, keep your 'helpful advice' to yourself and out of their ad space. Unpaid ad space sure, but it is their space, period.

They don't want you to say their stuff is too expensive right there in their ad.

They don't need you saying that you sold the same thing for much less a while back.

They don't need you to inform them about current market conditions.

They certainly don't want you selling your car or parts in their ad thread.

Etcetera, etcetera.

For those of you who make a hobby out of this type of thing, find a new hobby.

Tell them anything you please in a PM, but not in their ad space.

Common courtesy.
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Post by CrazyIvan »

When I introduced myself to your forum quite some months ago I was treated with the worst respect anyone could ever imagine. I am over it . The thing that makes me laugh ever day when I read the responses are the amount of idiots there are out there. I just threw $18,000 out there to see the response. I know the car has a long way to go before it reaches what its really worth. Its just amusing to see the same idiots are around from before. You guys are so easy to piss off. I think its just jealousy I have something you know is worth something and you can't have it. :rofl:
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Re: Hello

Post by dauer »

CrazyIvan wrote:When I introduced myself to your forum quite some months ago I was treated with the worst respect anyone could ever imagine. I am over it . The thing that makes me laugh ever day when I read the responses are the amount of idiots there are out there. I just threw $18,000 out there to see the response. I know the car has a long way to go before it reaches what its really worth. Its just amusing to see the same idiots are around from before. You guys are so easy to piss off. I think its just jealousy I have something you know is worth something and you can't have it. :rofl:
Wow, seriously? I'm not one to comment or offer my $ .02 when I'm not directly involved or interested in a sale. That being said I recall your introductory post, you sure did show your true colors from the get go and now you claim the only reason you post is to solicit a negative reaction from fellow board members. You sir are the definition of a troll. Good day.
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Post by efreak »

So for writing up an ad the seller was just plainly lazy to not have, I get this response via PM
CrazyIvan wrote:What gives you the fuckin right to take my imfo about my car and twist it around . If you didnt have a computer to hide behind you ball less fagot I would kick your fuckin ass. Touch my shit again and I'll hunt you down.
Seller seems like a nice guy!
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Post by Duke »

efreak wrote:So for writing up an ad the seller was just plainly lazy to not have, I get this response via PM
CrazyIvan wrote:What gives you the fuckin right to take my imfo about my car and twist it around . If you didnt have a computer to hide behind you ball less fagot I would kick your fuckin ass. Touch my shit again and I'll hunt you down.
Seller seems like a nice guy!
Yep, another "nice guy" who will never show his face at a car event and thus get it kicked in. I can think of around 8 of these guys now on this board. I sure miss the first year of this board before the scum moved in.

Ahhhhhh......glory days.

Oh, oh, CrazyIvan (John Bianco) please no harsh words or PM's please, they scare me so. :laugh:
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Post by jcmass »

efreak wrote:So for writing up an ad the seller was just plainly lazy to not have, I get this response via PM
CrazyIvan wrote:What gives you the fuckin right to take my imfo about my car and twist it around . If you didnt have a computer to hide behind you ball less fagot I would kick your fuckin ass. Touch my shit again and I'll hunt you down.
Uh oh.....another email/internet/instant message tough guy. The fastest/easiest way to convince everyone else what a pussy you are. BTW the correct spelling is "faggot" you ...er, likely homo.
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Post by option00002 »

CrazyIvan wrote:What gives you the fuckin right to take my imfo about my car and twist it around . If you didnt have a computer to hide behind you ball less fagot I would kick your fuckin ass. Touch my shit again and I'll hunt you down.

Good luck with the sale hot shot! :laugh:
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Post by davem »

option00002 wrote:
Neat sign,

But seriously, this Ivan fellow seems like a decent sort, probably just misunderstood over the internet, what with the lack of facial and contextual cues, etc.
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Post by Duke »

davem wrote: But seriously, this Ivan fellow seems like a decent sort, probably just misunderstood over the internet, what with the lack of facial and contextual cues, etc.
"What gives you the fuckin right to take my imfo about my car and twist it around . If you didnt have a computer to hide behind you ball less fagot I would kick your fuckin ass. Touch my shit again and I'll hunt you down."

Yea, I am sure he looked like a puppy dog in the window when he wrote and sent this.

Davem - Wake up and get real. You a peace lover or what?
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Post by davem »

Duke wrote:
davem wrote: But seriously, this Ivan fellow seems like a decent sort, probably just misunderstood over the internet, what with the lack of facial and contextual cues, etc.
"What gives you the fuckin right to take my imfo about my car and twist it around . If you didnt have a computer to hide behind you ball less fagot I would kick your fuckin ass. Touch my shit again and I'll hunt you down."

Yea, I am sure he looked like a puppy dog in the window when he wrote and sent this.

Davem - Wake up and get real. You a peace lover or what?
That was my feeble attempt at wit, maybe it was missing some clues...

Kidding aside, guy seems like a total douchebag.
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Post by Duke »

davem wrote:Kidding aside, guy seems like a total douchebag.
Sorry Dave...Like you said, a lot gets lost in the text.
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