Another thing about this particular M535i, it isn't the real deal. The VIN decodes as a Japanese market 535i . The M535i for the Japanese market would be a DC89 and is a RHD car. The last seven digits (SN) also don't fall within the proper range for the Japanese market M535i.
In Japan having LHD is a big deal. Apparently one could order a LHD 535i/A but not the M535i. So my WAG is a deep pocketed Japanese executive ordered a LHD 535i and had the M-tech kit installed. The M-tech kit was available as a dealer installed option in foreign markets.
refused to take pictures of the metal VIN tag on the passenger strut tower area. ALL Euro models have one but this car does not.....I suspect it is NOT a M535i -Rich hit the nail on the head - 535 with the optional M-Technic kit.
Getting this car into USA and registered is going to cost a few $$$$$$.