Do YOU have all 15 shirts? Well, if you do and if you’re like the rest of us, not only do you have these 15 but you have at least as many more from other various BMW events over these past 15 years. No doubt they occupy several boxes, rolling bins, drawers, shelves and wherever else you can fit them. Likely you’ve run out of room. Likely you don’t want to buy another one.
That kind of brings us to the purpose of this post and poll. Looking through all the past T-Shirts and recent conversations, it occurred to me that maybe we need to change up the shirt option. Maybe we look at something more upscale, something that you might want to hang on to and not throw into the rolling bin under your bed when you get home from San Diego?
Enter, one option that we are considering either in lieu of or in addition to the run-of-the-mill T-Shirt (albeit with an AWESOME St.Paddy’s Day design) is a Camp or Work Shirt. It would be a short sleeve, button-up with a loose collar, blended fabric (but mostly cotton and in a variety of colors) and sport an embroidered patch above the left pocket (like the T-Shirts) and may even have some cool embroidered thing on the right sleeve. It would look like this (use your imagination on the logo):

Of course, there is a cost for all this awesomeness. Something of this higher quality and desirability comes with a higher price tag than a T-Shirt. At present we don’t know the real numbers, but on average it might be at least $10-$15 more per shirt.
What we’re looking for is not a commitment, but to see if there is any interest in this offering. If there is some interest, we might do a smaller limited run in addition to the T-Shirt. If there is a ground-swell of interest, then maybe it’s all we offer this year. It’s up to you guys, but we need to know pretty quick, so chime in and vote.
In light of some of the comment so far, I realize I need to add a tad more information on these:
1. Material: What we're looking at (and this image is showing), is a 60/40 cotton twill/poly
2. Colors: There is a rainbow of options (well 12 to be exact), but what we're looking at so far (as the color works as our negative space color in our artwork) is a Hunter Green and Navy.
3. Costs: I know what I said above but the I didn't mention the T-Shirt costs, these Camp shirts would likely be between $34 and $44. This is totally dependent on how many we print. If we do nothing but these the total skews the costs to the lower number; if we print say only 20 (as in we do a partial order of T-Shirts and some Camp Shirts) then it skews higher. The actual costs of everything is fluid at the moment as we don't have real price quotes yet. These costs are to see if folks are willing to pony up more.