I took it upon myself to write an online decoder and it's been the most popular and used Porsche Option Decoder since. The decoder ran on a server in my home almost continually (well over 99.999% uptime) since then. I used to have a use-counter, and at last count the decoder had been used over 600k times. Tons of people have sent me new codes, fix suggestions, and kudos over the years and to all of you: Thanks!
Last week, I finally moved my personal website out of my home an onto modern Internet hosting. In the process I had to update the decoder because the technology I used originally is now completely defunct (the original Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP)).
The decoder had a very simple UI that was focused on just the classic 911 (although I've expanded the database over time). Since I basically had to rewrite the whole thing to move it to modern web host, I updated the UI to allow searching across all Porsche models and years. I've also made sure to update the database with all the suggestions people have sent me.
Please check it out and don't be shy about providing feedback. Cheers.