topher800 wrote: Jul 21, 2024 8:37 PMI am eyeing an upgrade in this vain. I want solar panels, battery pack, and heat pump. If you could only afford two of the three which would you get?Mike W." wrote: Jul 17, 2024 2:29 AM
I have two regrets, one that I didn't do it earlier, and two that I didn't look into doing a heat pump for heat. Not sure it would have penciled out, but I should have at least investigated it.
+2 for heat pump
- We don't have AC, but it's getting a little worse each summer. We have gone from two weeks of hot nights a year to five weeks over 30 years.
- We have another 100 years of forrest fires before things equalize, so house needs to be closed down during smoke events.
+1 for battery pack (vs generator):
- Xcel Energy (our power company) has started the blackouts pre-wind event. We were down for 48 hours this spring.
+1 for solar panels
- self sufficiency
Heating bill last month compared to a year ago is about the same. Gas dropped 50 terms and electricity went up 500 kWh. Average temp was the same, electric rates were the same, and gas is up 5 cents from last year. Seems a wash $ wise ($242 vs $258), not that I expected a savings.
Biggest thing I noticed is the change in Thermostat. I used to have a Honeywell programmable. It felt like that thing would try to keep the house within 0.1F of set point. Furnace constantly cycled, drove me crazy. They replaced it with an Ecobee, and the furnace runs much less frequently. Furnace also spends much more time on low setting instead of high speed. Temperature sensor in the house definitely shows up to two degree swing. Much happier.