I have been going through my car,
I am going to put a double din radio in the car
also I am going to set the car up for defrost with heat or no heat (by bypassing the heater core) so I am ditching all the normal knobs and sliders that are usually in the car
With that out of the way I want to share my 3d model of a replacement bezel that can accommodate a double din radio
I believe this link will get you the 3mf file ( I uploaded the file but am waiting on approval )
I would love to just upload the fusion file to the site but I don't see / think I can
not sure if anyone will care but If I can save some one else some time then it will be dope knowing I helped
also going to be redoing the plastic vent below this bezel for some gauges, so if any one wants that, post on this thread so I can feel accomplished
*** Actual link ***
https://makerworld.com/en/models/104366 ... Id-1028970
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3d model of radio bezel
Re: 3d model of radio bezel
Would you mind sharing what you have in place for conceptualizing, measuring and building? Appreciate any shortcuts in the learning process. Thanks!
Re: 3d model of radio bezel
I don't realy have a design process I just start with a rectangle and add and subtract from it, I did a bunch of CAD work in the early 2000s but have forgotten everything
That radio is so dope but I am unfortunately going modern
That radio is so dope but I am unfortunately going modern