I just picked up a 'been sitting' 85 e28 535i, Gunmetal gray & cream/white interior. New aftermarket 5spoke rims, tires & exhaust in 2014, and was probably parked shortly after.
Found that the fuel pump was shot, as was the factory fuel pump wiring... relay tests good, but wires feeding the relay appear shorted (with relay removed, seeing +12v on all 4 harness pins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). Presently running a hotwire to the external pump & will continue to troubleshoot.
Once I had pressure at the rail (& remembered to reconnect the airflow sensor) she started & idled on the first go. On the first 2-mile shakedown run she seems a little sluggish in the bottom end of 2nd gear until above ~3k rpm when she sounds good & pulls. worn clutch? the other gears seem fine so far.
One thing I've not seen others reporting is the roof panel forward of the sun roof cutout, has cracked and delaminated.. seems like some kind of vinyl or bondo applied at the factory as its the original paint. A bunch of cracking and peeling up, exposing bare metal underneath.. It was parked outside & Im sure its from UV + years of freeze/thaw. I'm still wearing nubsauce shorts & not able to post photos atm.
Some other general notes:
Newly renewed items:
battery, belts, oil, oil filter, external fuel pump, in tank fuel pre-pump/hanger, fuel level sender, external fuel pump, fuel filter.
On order items:
water pump, thermostat, e-brake cables
My local salvage yard had several bmws & I scored the following:
4x Style 5 rims from an e34, I also grabbed the original factory steel spare (3 of 4 hub covers were also present)
5x Style 73 rims, 21 spoke, from a 2000s 3 series wagon, including good tires (I will need spacers to run these)
I need to decide which set I'll run & will most likely sell off the others.
I also nabbed a factory jack & lug nut wrench from a 2000s suv, along with a bunch of spare relays from that e34.
I'll probably go back for whatever else will directly bolt on from the e34.
Known issues:
Speedo & tach both inoperable (Same goes for the efficiency meter) & expecting bad pcb in the cluster but still need to troubleshoot
Alternator is charging but weak & noisy, ~13v at idle, replacing it this weekend.
Power steering pump delivers power & is super noisy. Its an expensive swap, so I will nurse it for now.. Any advise on a rebuild or outright swap?
AC pump mounting bracket missing the 19mm gear nut.. bolt appears original & seized so i removed the AC belt for now & will address later.
Power windows not working & need to check that breaker under the dash (fingers crossed).
Strong mildew smell even after removing seats, steam & carpet clean. will try baking soda & need to look into an ozone generator or something else.
Ok, long intro post. Glad to find all this great info & only mildly concerned about the missing/broken SSL certs for this site

Thanks in advance to everyone contributing here!