Coming up to 2 years of ownership on my E28 now, and i somehow still hadn't joined a forum about them. Here's a very condensed start on mine:

When i first bought it, clean well (ish) looked after car on 105k

First modification, some BC Ultra lows, sourced some donor uprights to chop down to weld the coils onto. By this point the cars killed a slave cylinder, leaking from the rear main (still is), diff had fell out as the bush decided to collapse, and various other little fun problems.

Winter time, sourced some mega rare BBS Kersher splits, and got it booked into the body shop for some TLC

Back on the road, looking much smarter.

To present! Stepped the rears down .5" so i could lose some rake without smashing my arches to bits, made some clear tails for it too! Currently back in the body shop for some welding on the roof to lose the awful aerial, and having brown glass fitted!
I've just bought a turbo kit for it which i'll get to work on over march, T03 manifold with turbo and oil feeds so far, now just getting my other parts together to go to town on it

Will have updates soon, cheers!