A few months ago on Labor Day, my sister was involved in a wreck in her daily cosmoblau 86 528e. The car was irreparable and we were forced to decide what kind of car to get her to daily now. Since my family already has 6 528e's in various states, and my dad and I do all of the maintenance, we decided the best route is another e28. By the end of Labor Day week, we had found a cirrusblau 88 528e in fair condition for $1500. My dad drove it home to Greenville from Asheville with no problems other than all kinds of weird vibrations. After a few weeks, the two of us logged about 6 hours each on the car one night and both stayed up until 2 am. I was working on the engine components and dad was doing replacing the brake pads and the fuel pump and filter and I was working on engine work. I replaced the timing belt and other v belts, water pump, cam shaft seal, adjusted the valve timing, valve cover gasket, some vacuum hoses, rotor and distributor, changed the oil and filter. We also had to drill a hole in the crank pulley. For some reason, the set pin was too big for the hole and caused a very bad vibration and only had 4/6 bolts. on the pulley. Once we had done all of those repairs, we called it a night. The car got tires after that. More recently I then started with the steering and suspension elements. I began with the upper control arms and used some family members for the appropriate pre-loading.

This week I got around to the steering. I found that the tie rods had probably been replaced, but the drag link was shot. I replaced both simultaneously. I was then ready to focus on some of the comfort features. I had to fix the odometer gear, replace the plastic buttons that hold the seat belt buckles up, and that stupid motor for the fresh air baffle was missing two screws causing the baffle to not close. (That was fun) I kept feeling a misfire when accelerating so I replaced the spark plugs and found a rusted #6 plug. Glove box light, cleaning the vents of insulation lovingly put there by some PO mice. :P We installed Hella low beams. Tonight we replaced the rear brake rotors and adjusted the e-brake. The interior is nearly perfect Navy Blue fabric. I had to replace the drivers armrest, but the 86 528 had blue fabric as well. Apart from cleaning the seats a bit, the car is ready to daily again. Merry Christmas to my sister!

(Hopefully I can figure out how to post pictures here and show) Congrats if you read all of this, I probably forgot stuff, but I figured I would share this here.