Picked up the Collectors Plates! A nice acknowledgment for the old girl.
Also picked up new shocks for the E34 sport seats, hopefully get those in this weekend IF the radiator in the 76 GMC MH (cool vehicle, not mine) decides to play nice and remove itself.
Working on these rims for about 3 months over in the Netherlands. I purchased them as you can see in the first picture and the gentleman over there help me refinish them before shipping them. It was hard deciding how to refinish them and what to change but in the end I'm glad what I chose. BMW style 20 rims with turbine fan covers staggered. They're coming over for the St Patrick's Day meet in San Diego. I can't wait to throw him on the m5
Started the repair on the M5 trunk panel that holds the first aid kit. This one replaced the original that fell apart after over 20 years. This one didn't even last 5 years.
.. Then I grabbed a test light and dug into why my windscreen wash pissers weren't pissing. Turns out the pump, after 30 long years of faithful service, has gone tits up.
*plays taps*
Replaced the fuel line from the fuel rail to the csv. I was kind of surprised how easy it was considering where it is.
Its nice not smelling gas in the cabin too.
a few things over a few days..replaced C pillar grommets, trunk seal, re-wired the fog light switch for use without headlights and decided to give it a go at soldering my tails...
..and i still have my "brake light" LED illuminated on my check control =/. Im going to replace 2 of the 4 sockets i didnt do last time. they seemed fine so i only replaced 2 when i got the car.
Interesting. Must be why I randomly get check lights.
So Saturday night after replacing the fan clutch, the car barely run. So Sunday, I had an agenda. I wiped out the MAF box and mounted it upside down (same orientation as an M20), so I could access the adjustment screw and played with that a little. Runs great now. Cleaned my window switches, and got one window to work, and I used that switch on all others to see if the switches were bad. The LF window clicks when the button is pushed, the two rear, no audible sound.
A few weeks ago I got an offer to join AARP so I thought the only sensible thing to do was to buy some Coco Mats. I think they're going to affect my gas mileage because they weigh like 500 pounds.
The flash makes the red pop but it's actually more subtle.
I also put in some new plug wires. They are kind of expensive but as long as they last 300,000 miles like the set they replaced, I'm okay with it.
Karl Grau wrote:
I also put in some new plug wires. They are kind of expensive but as long as they last 300,000 miles like the set they replaced, I'm okay with it.
They must use better parts in ///M cars, I think I only got around 275K out of the original cables in mine. I see guys changing them like plugs and just shake my head.
Pulled it out of the garage so I could open the passenger doors so I could put the new coco mats in on that side.
And then I took for a drive to see how it handled with the 500lbs of coco mats. It seemed fine but I kept smelling gas so I pulled over and it was dripping in back near the filter. I hope it's not raining next weekend so I can fix it before St Paddy's.
Took a picture with my new camera before I put them away.
replaced door condoms, license plate lights with new screws and mounts,soldered a new bulb for the PARK light indicator, checked and cleaned up all grounds even under rear seat and then reattached this...
apparently previous owner had a sloppy mechanic
Got burr in my ass to check the connection on the speedo sensor, as the speedo has not been working in quite a while. Pull the connection off, found it was tight and clean, then realized I couldn't squeeze myself far enough under the car to plug the damn thing back in. Invented some colorful new swear words and dragged out the floor jack and jack stands. And for the record.... I do NOT like working under a car that's up on stands.
Broke a stud on the bottom of my header to exhaust flange. Had to drill it out, and put a bolt and nut, Think I will weld in a new stud, or get a bigger size so I can tap it.