I'll post this here so I don't crap up
Mike's camera thread - a fun B&H story. One of the benefits of living in NYC has always been shopping at B&H for audio/video/camera/electronic equipment. Prices are always good - not the lowest, but close; support is decent and knowledge on the sales floor is always strong.
MANY years ago, when money was really quite tight, we were buying well over $1500 worth of camera equipment for the wife to use for business. It was a large bill for us. As we're checking out, the girl at the counter asks if we have a NJ address so they can ship the package. I respond, "Humm, what? No, we're right here."
She asks me twice more about an address for shipping. I'm smart enough to know that I'm missing something, but clearly not smart enough to know what it was. Luckily my wife (the smart one) finally heard the question I was being asked and connected the dots immediately. She gave an address for a friend of ours in NJ, which the girl entered into the "Ship-to" field, and we were on our way.
Totally illegal, but it saved us a bunch of NYC sales tax. I don't know how often they performed that service, but it helped keep a bunch of money in our pockets that day.