Fun little project yesterday: I used the clutch master and slave rebuild kits I got to rebuild the master & slave for the 5-speed project.
Here's the slave:
A replacement slave I bought for Vlad was made of much less substantial steel than both this one and the one that was original in Vlad. Seems to me that a rebuild kit like this is a far better choice than going with a replacement that has a weaker housing.
I considered blasting and repainting the housing given the surface rust, but couldn't find the motivation. Maybe I'll do it today. Maybe not.
The kit is extremely simple and the parts seem to be of sufficiently high quality. I can't see any reason why this won't work as well as a new part.
Next was the master. I've never taken a master apart before, so I wasn't sure what I'd find. The FAG master on top and the kit on the bottom:
Getting the piston out is as simple as removing the C clip.
It all looked good to me; I was thinking I probably would have been fine leaving it as-is. Then I wondered where the old spring was. I looked inside the cylinder and saw it in there. I used a little hook tool to pull it out:
I had read previously that clutch masters generally leak when they failed. Clearly this one had failed and there's no reason it would have been leaking. I have no idea what the symptoms would be like with a broken spring like this, but if you've got problems with your clutch, you probably want to rebuild the master.
As I expected, I effed up the plastic nipple, removing the seal/gromet for it. It should be possible to remove it without screwing it up, but since this was my first try I didn't realize I was torquing on it and not just the gromet. I had already ordered a replacement because plndr told me they break easily.
Rebuilt and re-installed on the pedal assembly, along with a re-enforcement kit.
I'm still waiting on a few parts from Blunt. I may start pulling stuff off the car today, but I'm nervous about getting started because I don't want to have Maytag stuck on the lift for too long...I have something I want to do to Vlad.