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Drunk Photo Rant

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Drunk Photo Rant

Post by tig »

Read the FAQ:

Stop using Photobucket. It's a piece of shit.

Flickr is far better. It's free. It has no stupid limits on views. It's insanely easy to upload to. Photos stored there will be there forever (and thus here forever). It has built in support for copying and pasting bbcode [img] tags.

KillerPM's cool mye28.com Uploader is cool and all, but if KillerPM gets eaten by a moose or something all those photos will disappear. They are not being backed up. He's hosting them on his own and nobody else can access the systems. Those moose up in Canada are evil. And when one sucks the blood out of Peter, all those valuable threads with pictures in them will suck green donkey dicks...just like all your threads with Photobucket photos in them suck.

Stop using Photobucket. Really.

Start using Flickr (http://www.flickr.com).

Someone please work with KillerPM to ensure there's a contingency plan for the gigabytes of photos his thing now stores. I've chatted with him and he's willing to give someone access.

Last edited by tig on Apr 05, 2018 10:28 PM, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by unt0uchable »

I use Google+ to store mine... Oh wait, 30 kittens just died. [emoji481][emoji481][emoji481]
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by wkohler »

Unfortunately, my photos are on picasa which I hate thanks to google+. I'd put them on my flickr account but I don't really feel like wasting my life changing images.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by cddallara »

'S wrong with pbucket? Easy to upload/copy/share from phone. I've most likely bitched about it in the past, but I'm an impatient a hole that thinks errything should just work without fail.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by Motronic »

cek wrote:Stop using Photobucket. It's a piece of shit. Flickr is far better. It's free. It has no stupid limits on views.
I didn't know Photobucket set limits on how many times an image can be viewed? :dunno:
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by davintosh »

Motronic wrote:
cek wrote:Stop using Photobucket. It's a piece of shit. Flickr is far better. It's free. It has no stupid limits on views.
I didn't know Photobucket set limits on how many times an image can be viewed? :dunno:
Truth. Have you not seen the placeholder that replaces the image when it goes over quota?

PB also sucks for the extra crap on their pages; whenever I pull up someone's PB album on my laptop there's stuff going on that works the processor enough to kick the fan on. Images shouldn't do that.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by Jeremy »

davintosh wrote:PB also sucks for the extra crap on their pages; whenever I pull up someone's PB album on my laptop there's stuff going on that works the processor enough to kick the fan on. Images shouldn't do that.
That's a general web design fault that I totally agree with you about. Lots of places use waayyy too much scripting and Flash in their basic layout, and then add scripted and Flash based ads all over the place on top of it. It's infuriating (and also why I edit people's posts when they use a ton of animated emoticons).

I use ad blocking software, but I whitelist the sites that I really enjoy to try to help ensure they stick around. Some of them use so much of the aforementioned ad materials that I have to block them though, even on my desktop.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by djazz »

Pee-Bucket is evil.

Photos auto-upload to flicker/yahoo. Avast backs up the entire phone to Google drive.

I did lose some torque video before Avast but almost all images I have will outlast me.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by Motronic »

davintosh wrote:Truth. Have you not seen the placeholder that replaces the image when it goes over quota?
Thanks Dave/cek I already have a Flicker account. I will be using that and dumping Photobucket. The links I already have there will stay though. Good info here.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by tig »

I think peeps should stop using/recommending to noobs The Uploader until there's a viable plan that those photos wont someday just vanish. Photos are a too important part of this community for that kind of risk.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by Jeremy »

cek wrote:I think peeps should stop using/recommending to noobs The Uploader until there's a viable plan that those photos wont someday just vanish. Photos are a too important part of this community for that kind of risk.
You're overselling the risk. The uploader isn't going anywhere, Peter wouldn't just shut it down without warning. Pictures are just as safe there as they are on any of the major uploading services that can change their TOS or shut down entirely. If it's not perfect for you, fine, don't use it. That doesn't mean it's not a valuable and reliable part of the community here though. It certainly doesn't mean that it shouldn't be recommended to use.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by tig »

Peter is willing to give someone access to FTP. I'm just suggesting someone follow through on that.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by Jeremy »

cek wrote:Peter is willing to give someone access to FTP. I'm just suggesting someone follow through on that.
I understand your concern. It is, in my opinion, overblown. You're "just suggesting" that "peeps should stop using/recommending to noobs The Uploader". That's what I quoted and what I responded to. I don't know if you're just trying to get attention for your perceived issue by overstating the risks or what exactly is going on here, but the actions you're suggesting aside from backing up the pictures are completely unnecessary. You come across a bit like a paid shill for Flickr, honestly. I don't think they're actually paying you though.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by tig »

I despise photos missing. I think the risk is greater than you do.

I've never met Peter. We've exchanged emails. Seems like a good guy who knows what he's doing. But shit happens. In the mid-90s the premier 911 mailing list almost lost its entire archive because one guy had financial and other issues. He turned off access. I figured out how to programmatically get to the archive and extracted it. I created a website with a searchable system and I hosted it for the community until rennlist/pelican forums grew back to the former glory. It was painful.

So I've seen this before. Shit happens.

I don't see the point of an amateur run photo service now that there are great free alternatives. But if people are going to insist on using it (and encourage others to) while there's no plan for protecting it, I'm going to continue to disagree.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by davintosh »

There's risk with any photo hosting service, free or paid. Like Jeremy mentioned, any of the freebie services could change their TOS and we'd find access to the photos hosted there totally gone or severely limited. Many sites (like PBucket) rely at least partially on advertising revenue to pay for the free services; considering that, I'm surprised they allow photos to be hot-linked at all, as that gives access to the photos without the ads being displayed. Wouldn't be surprised if they're working on a way to get the ads worked in somehow...

I pay for web hosting for a couple of personal sites and host most of my images there, but even that won't be around forever. The Uber Uploader is probably a much more secure place to host them though, as I'm sure Peter's solution is better maintained than my own. For the most part I rely on my host's backup service, and only do backups of mine sporadically (reminder to do another one this week). Sometimes I think about all of the info and knowledge that's on the interwebs, and what might remain of that in 50 to 100 years, or even in a few years, considering the electronic warfare threats that are out there, and some of the people who would like nothing better than to send all of us back to the fifth century.

And besides, once the zombie apocalypse hits, none of it will stick around, so there's that...

(Sorry; I'm usually a glass-is-half-full kind of guy.)
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by 1st 5er »

I like and use Peter's site because it's dedicated to this forum.
Not sure how it all works, but pretty sure as long as MyE28.com is around it/he will be.
Peter knows what's important. :beer:
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by tig »

1st 5er wrote:.. but pretty sure as long as MyE28.com is around it/he will be.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by KillerPM »

I thought I would dig this one up for fun.

Yes the service is ending but like everyone but cek said, the photos are going nowhere... :)

I will be mailing some disks to a few people with the final set of images just in case I get hit buy a bus or something..
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by leadphut »

1st 5er wrote:I like and use Peter's site because it's dedicated to this forum.
Not sure how it all works, but pretty sure as long as MyE28.com is around it/he will be.
Peter knows what's important. :beer:
1st 5er jinxed Peter. SOB. but it was cek's drinking that started it all.

who gets drunk and feels the need to rant about photo services?!?
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by Jeremy »

leadphut wrote:who gets drunk and feels the need to rant about photo services?!?
Someone who needs more ceks?
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by oldskool »

An anal cek?
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by tig »

It's not sek. It is C E K as in Charles Edward Kindel. Drunk or not, I was right.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by wkohler »

Everything sucks.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by tig »

wkohler wrote:Everything sucks.
You listening to Depeche Mud again?
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by leadphut »

cek wrote:It's not sek. It is C E K as in Charles Edward Kindel. Drunk or not, I was right.

gett'em eduardo!
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by oldskool »

cek wrote:
wkohler wrote:Everything sucks.
You listening to Depeche Mud again?
He's obviously listening to PRIMUS.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by Chimi-Changa »

That Sharky sig pic doesn't suck though. Reminds me that WE are the Champions!
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by tig »

http://www.theverge.com/2015/5/7/856238 ... e-redesign
Flickr redesigns web and mobile apps to create a powerhouse in online photo storage
A major renovation for the once-neglected photo-sharing service


Today Flickr 4.0 is rolling out across the web, iOS, Android, PC, and Mac. A new tool called Uploadr, available for Mac and Windows, looks for photos on your hard drive and uploads them to a private Flickr album in the background. On Flickr.com, a new feature called Camera Roll organizes them into a reverse-chronological timeline. The Flickr mobile apps for iPhone and Android have been rewritten nearly from scratch, emphasizing your own photos over the ones taken by people you follow. And a powerful new search engine cuts through Flickr’s billions of photos with impressive smarts, letting you quickly filter them by keyword, size, shape, quality, and color among other tricks.


What’s impressive is what it’s doing for free: backing up a terabyte of photos from your main computer and your mobile devices, then making them easily searchable in the cloud. The rest of Flickr is still there: you can still follow great photographers, browse beautiful photos, and showcase your own. But among the solutions for backing up your photos online, Flickr has moved from the back of the pack to the front.
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by wkohler »

I think that showing me an ad every three pictures I see is a really great thing. :roll:
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Re: Drunk Photo Rant

Post by tig »

wkohler wrote:I think that showing me an ad every three pictures I see is a really great thing. :roll:
Whatcha talkin about? I've never seen ads on Flickr. Are you saying they now have them? I just connected without signing in and scrolled through a bunch of photos and no ads came up. :confused:
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