The B35 filter housing *seems* better. I never saw anything wrong with the earlier style, but apparently there are some people who can't keep liquid in a cup.
I've never seen anyone explain this better than this:
Shawn D. wrote:If you don't like the oil in the filter housing draining out, then go for it!
The B34 doesn't have the drainback passage that the B35 does, so if you put a B35 housing on a B34, the housing will remain full of oil when you change the filter.
Now for our listeners at home, some might ask, "Well whaddya do if'm ya wanna put one o' dem der B34 housins on dat der B35 block?"
There's a passage in the B35 that needs to be plugged. It's already tapped and just requires insertion of a DIN 908 screw plug (M10x1). It tightens and seals. If you absolutely have to have BMW parts, you want 11 12 7 539 543.
That's a good idea on how to keep the parts identified. I've got a ton of fasteners that I'm going to send in for yeller cad and I am afraid to send stuff in off of a car for fear of losing it.