Hi I am new on here and am really enjoying your car just put e34 seats in my e28, can you tell me how you sorted the seatbelt mounts as obviously they are originally mounted to the seat? cheers
Hi Bent, yeah thanks for the reply, what I need to know is on the B pillar you have the inertia reel then the belt goes up to the mount at shoulder level then where does the other end of the belt bolt on?
It was a while ago when I removed the old seats but I thought it bolted to the seat on the left side, there does not seem to be anywhere on the e34 seats.
Cheers Dave
The belt does bolt to the seat. By the outboard hinge, it slips through the trim piece, then there's a big E-Torx bolt on the inside of the seat rail that you attach the belt to.
ACHTUNG wrote:I don't understand why some people vandalize.
I fully agree with you in. But unfortunately there are some people who can not let others things be. But I must only look ahead and get the damage repaired. The problem is to match100% of the color. When the green light is hard to get right.
I guess it made you aware of the rust that would have spread further.
I hope your paint guy can blend the paint. You're the only other person that I know of that has an Opal Grun E28. I have one too. Beautiful and rare color.
positiv wrote:
The important thing is to tighten the clutch pump to the bracket for the pedals, becouse it's hard to screw the pump up, after the bracket is mounted.
This makes that job so much easier and will save having to redo it down the road because of a cracked bracket.
WOW!!! What a major transformation......the work that you put in is amazing and your car reflects your personal preference and personality.....keep it up buddy.....peoples envy sometimes makes them do foolish things hence the vandalism....all the best going forward
PS: My mate also has a 320ce Mercedes LHD version here are some pics lovely cars...