Moved it, from the street to the neighbor's driveway, on security detail.
The neighbor, Ruth, and her late hubby Maurie were the first ones to buy a lot in the neighborhood, and started building their house in 1948. Maurie passed away a few years back, and Ruth fell and broke her hip last winter; she's 94. After getting her hip pinned, she and her kids decided it was time for assisted living, so the house is going up for sale soon. One of her daughters recently bought a boat -- it's a beauty -- and they decided to park it in Ruth's driveway until they can get it up to the lake. Last weekend though, there were three boats stolen from different places around town. The daughter (and her hubby) were afraid someone might try to make off with their boat, so they had started leaving a car between the boat and the street to discourage opportunistic thieves. She mentioned that to me tonight, so I offered to put my car there, as it doesn't get driven much.
So, the e28 is on security detail, standing guard over a boat.