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Why Are There Private Messages Stuck In My "Outbox"

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Why Are There Private Messages Stuck In My "Outbox"

Post by JoshInAtlanta »

I notice a fair amount of people comment that their private messages seem to be "broken."

Problem: "My messages are stuck in the outbox and I am panicking because I really HAVE to get this E28 part first! Why is it not in the sentbox?"

Cause: Your messages will stay in the outbox until the recipient has opened the message. There is no need to panic. Chances are next time that member logs in they will be alerted/notice a new private message and it will move to the sentbox once they open it.

ALSO, as long as a message is still in the outbox, you can check it and click the "Delete Marked" button and the recipient will never get the message.
Last edited by JoshInAtlanta on Mar 29, 2008 9:39 PM, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by tsmall07 »


You can also delete the message while its in your outbox and the recipient will never get the message.
Posts: 4434
Joined: Apr 22, 2006 11:35 PM
Location: Holly Springs, GA

Post by JoshInAtlanta »

tsmall07 wrote::clap:

You can also delete the message while its in your outbox and the recipient will never get the message.
Yep, I forgot to add that. Thanks for the reminder, I will put it in!
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Post by Jeremy »

In addition to deleting, you can also edit a PM while it's still in your Outbox.

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Post by wkohler »

That's what's really fun - deleting a message while it's in the Outbox. The recipient still gets notified and then posts that their PMs are busted.